Seljuk dynasty

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3 years ago

The Saltukis ruled Erzurum, an Anatolian baylic, founded after the Battle of Manzikart from 1061 to 1202. This Bailey was founded by Amir Saltuk, the Turkmen commander of Alp Arsalan. They often had to fight against the Georgian Kingdom for dominance in the Kars region. The center of Baileyk, Erzurum, was occupied by the Byzantine Empire from 106 to 1079, and in 1184, the Georgian king Georgia III besieged it. It included the present-day Erzurum and Baybart provinces in the highest extent, the eastern part of Erzinchan, most of Kars, and the northern part of the provinces of Agri and Mus.

The first known Sultuki was Ali, who was the ruler of Erzurum in 1103. His son and successor was Saltuk, who succeeded him at some point in 1133. Sultuk had a female relative who married Shah-i-Armind II Sukman of Ahlat.

The Saltuki Bera, especially in Erzurum and Mamahatun (now Terchan), have left their mark on architecture.

The Sultuki dynasty is also notable for Mama Hatun, a woman, Melike, sister of Nasiruddin Muhammad. He ruled his kingdom for approximately nine years between 1199 and 1200. He was later deposed by Begum and was succeeded by his son Malik-Shah. Once she started looking for a husband among the Mamluk elite. Mama Hatun built an impressive caravanserai in the town of Terchan, where his tomb also exists. Terchan was called "Mamahatun" and is still occasionally called by the locals.

Alauddin Muhammad, the last ruler of the Sultanate, was overthrown and imprisoned by the Seljuk Sultan in 1902 during the invasion of Georgia by Suleiman the Magnificent. The Sultuki Beilic later became part of the Roman sultanate.

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