Bhangar fort ..... locals say cursed fort!

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3 years ago

Bhangar fort ..... locals say cursed fort!

There are still many places in the world where going is very risky. But have you heard of a place in the middle of the locality where no one goes and never returns? One such place is Bhangar Fort in India. Bhangar Fort tops the list if there are a few places in India and other terrifying haunted and cursed places in the world. There are several reasons behind the cursing of this fort located in Alwar district of India. People have made up many oral stories surrounding this fort. The stories are true, or just stories - that's something to think about.

The fort was built in 1573. It is currently in a state of disrepair. The most common of the stories behind the cursing of this fort is the story of King Madhu Singh.

It is believed that Raja Madhu Singh, the builder of the fort, first went to Muni Balu Nath, who was sitting next to the fort, asking for permission to build the fort. Balu Nath agreed to this on one condition. He said that the shadow of the fort should not fall on Muni in any way. Later, when the shadow of this fort fell on Muni, Balu Nath got angry and destroyed the fort by his own power.

However, there are some local rumors surrounding this fort. It is said that a princess named Ratnavati lived in this fort. Many loved him. He also loved a Tantric named Singhia. Once upon a time Tantric took oil to recite mantras to get the love of a princess.

The princess realized the whole thing and threw the oil on the ground. As a result, Tantric Singhia turned to stone and cursed before him that no child would come to this broken fort. At one time the palace became deserted. The princess also died. The idea of ​​the local people, the princess was born somewhere else. He will return to this fort.

While there are doubts about which of the stories is true and which is false, the biggest thing is the fear of the people surrounding the fort. People are terrified to enter this fort. And behind it are the ghostly things inside the fort.

Many have gone to this fort to prove their courage. But none of them came back. Not only that. The sound of bangles at night from the fort, the sound of crying comes almost all the time. And with all this, everyone thinks that the whole fort is cursed and haunted.

As a man was passing by the fort, he rushed to meet a stranger. Later, this newcomer disappeared into the air. The number of people who disappeared in such a hurry is not small.

The story of Bhangar Fort has been going on for many days. Those stories have spread a lot one by one. So, if you have the courage, you may be the first to spend the night in this fort!

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3 years ago


Great information

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