Eid ul adha and why do muslims celebrate it

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Avatar for Adeiria
3 years ago

Ok so. I know eid ul adha is long gone but some people may wonder why we kill animals as a celebration. For started eid ul adha is celebrated by muslims all across the globe. Why? Why all the killing and bloodshed of animals? Here's the story. Well the basics at least. This was a test sent by allah to ibrahim (peace be upon him). He was told to go kill his son Ismail so he went to prove his trust and love of god. Now when he was finally there, his son was on the table and a knife to the child's throat the angel gibrael came down and told him to stop and replaced the child with a sheep (or goat) he told ibrahim that was enough and that he had already proven himself and how devoted he is to allah. We now celebrate and kill these animals to remember a story. A great one at the. With the meat? We give to the poor or to family so it really isn't all that bad. Just wanted to teach you all a little bit about islam. Thanks for reading ❤

$ 0.50
$ 0.50 from @ErdoganTalk


Wonderful accusion for all muslims Alhumdulillah.. Support me dear.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I learnt this is usually celebrated at the sight of the crescent moon?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is very similar to a biblical berse in the catholic and dhristian bible. I see there are still similarities in text

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Excellent post

$ 0.00
3 years ago