Paradise in Manila #1

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Avatar for AckermanLevi
3 years ago

I will write about different places that you can visit in Manila. As I go to college, I probably live in a dorm and live by myself. To tell you the truth, I'm scared but I've been wanting to visit these places because I have a really strict parents. So, Lets start!

  1. Intramuros

    Ancient Intramuros is home to Spanish-era landmarks such as Fort Santiago, with a huge stone gate and a shrine to national hero José Rizal. The decorative Manila Cathedral houses bronze etchings and crystal chandeliers, while the San Agustin Church Museum contains religious paintings and sculptures. Spanish colonial furniture and art fill the Casa Manila Museum, and horse-drawn carriage fill the area. There are only five museum that are free for public. Entrance fee range is P50 - P200.

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$ 0.10 from @ptschip
Avatar for AckermanLevi
3 years ago
