U.S. vs U.S.A.

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4 years ago

In America we have a dirty little secret. I am going to either reaffirm or introduce to you here, now.

The United States is a Corporation.

United States Code, Title 28. 3002....(15)“United States” means—

(A)a Federal corporation

Just like any Incorporated business it has rules and people in positions of power on different levels of importance.

These rules are called "Statutes", they are not Laws. Even if they call them Laws....Why?

In America we have 3 Jurisdictions. These are defined as Law, Equity and Maritime/Admiralty.

Article III, Section 2

The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority;--to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public ministers and Consuls;--to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction...

My point here, is....Do you read "Statutory" jurisdiction?...I don't.

So where did it come from?...It's a Corporate thing, if you work for a company, you follow their rules. I never worked for the Government....so how is this a thing that can get me killed or in jail?

Consent...Government Manufactures Consent. You use Gov. Currency, Banks, Traffic laws, even Healthcare.....

Is it dangerous?.....yes and no, Yes if you are unaware and get taken advantage of.....No, if you learn how to engage as a Sovereign, Natural Person.

USA: The United States of America is the Union of States as a whole.

Different and not party to the United States.

The Articles of Confederation.

"Article I. The Stile of this Confederacy shall be "The United States of America.".

"Article II. Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled."

So what? Right? doesn't change the work day or the sun set...who cares, bunch of blah blah blah.....

Why?...Because it doesn't matter if you believe in the Dragon...because the Dragon believes in the Dragon, and you are in it's shadow.

Sovereign: The plaintiff in a court case is displaying their Sovereignty, for if they win their case they will make Law.

See here's the key. Case Law, in the American Courts is considered "Common Law", that's the Law we read about in the Constitution.

So Case Law over rules Statutes, All "Courts of Record" are considered Superior Courts, all others are called inferior courts. No Appeal for a "Court of Record".

"Courts of Record" can Deny ALL Statutes if the Plaintiff wishes it to be so. The Right of the Sovereign.

Remember "Case Law" is how we retain our Constitutional protections from Gov.

Invoke your Rights when you engage Gov. employees, don't be a dick, just remind them that in the end, you have the power. Why?

Because when everything is said and done, they are Trustees of the peoples Benefits and you are the Beneficiary.

I am Jay, my friends call me J1, you can too on GAB.com

Look me up, I'll read you there.

Thank You for Paying Attention.

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4 years ago



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Cool this is very nice good one man

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