The Left's Future Claims vs. Truth

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3 years ago

The left in America is not dumb or stupid, they know what they're doing.

They know that Joe Biden will not win the election.....So why destroy cities and obviously try to censor content?

This is about owning the story in the future, to be able to claim that President Trump is the cause, that he was Racist and that he was living off of Obama's economic plan.

That, any arrest and conviction of Democrats due to Obamagate is just a Tyrant attacking the Democrats....this is trying to flip the story, which is exactly what they do.

Biden did Quid pro quo, not Trump.

Hilary did Russian Collusion not Trump.

Media refusing to engage any topic that is positive for Capitalism. Constant excuses for the success of the policies of the Republicans.

The constant claim that Trump gave Tax cuts to the Rich, No, he gave Tax cuts to the poor and middle class, raising taxes on the Rich.

The highest earners paying over 39% in 2017 and 37% in 2019, he only took back the 1.5% increase he implemented in his 1st term. Not an overall decrease, at best it reverted to it's original percentage.


The Left cry's "We'll add Supreme Court Justices" to get the advantage.

However, it's not fair if President Trump adds just 1 to fill the position left by the death of Justice Ginsberg.


How long will it be before the broadcast networks begin to claim they fired those other guys, we're sorry for being Marxists colluding with each other?

How long before the Democrats wheel out a TV Billionaire with serious hair, claiming the exact same thing?


My guess is...once the 1st time we read about mass firings of their employees...We'll know they're broke and will make the plea.


I'm Jay, find me on, @AcidBrainWash

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3 years ago
