"The Last Sunrise."

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4 years ago

"The sound of the blade as it rubs against the stone.

The steel in the hand is a skill that you hone

The fog of the future clouds the minds of us all

The acts of the few see through the cloud wall


We hunt, we slay, we kill, we pray.


Refining defined by their decline

Ability to move as one in mind

And action is the one true goal

death will come to young and old

The blade will ring from time to time

Against the stone, it reminds

Us that we are shadows and ash

It matters so much, until it's past.


The sound of battle as it rubs against your soul

The steel in the hand is a skill, blood and bone

The fog of war clouds the time for us all

Our actions in war are Liberty's last call.


We hunt, we slay, we kill, we prey.


We define the Future, for if we do not...our children will be doomed to live in a world of someone else design."

-J1, aka Jeff Travis

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Wow so amazing scene of sunrise

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4 years ago