‘The Hammer’ And ‘Scorecard’

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3 years ago

The voter fraud evidence is beginning to break hard and good.

Now the question is, what about the complicit media?

They will do everything they can to paint Trump as a Nazi Dictator.


What's the perceived plan of action?

We are dealing with a full on attempt to rig an election and destroy the USA and ALL of us with it.


U.S. DIstrict Judge G. Murray Snow’s courtroom, November 2015, revealed SCORECARD was deployed by Obama against Florida election computers to RIG the 2012 presidential election on behalf of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

According to CIA contractor, whistleblower, Dennis Montgomery, who designed and built THE HAMMER.

February 2009, Obama took control of a supercomputer system known as THE HAMMER. THE HAMMER includes an exploit app. known as SCORECARD that can hack elections by stealing the vote. ie: Manipulate the Votes.

Mr. Montgomery also states that this time, SCORECARD is stealing votes in Florida, Georgia, Texas, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona.

In Florida, VR Systems Inc, based in Tallahassee. Is one of the locations for the data breach....Manipulation.

CIA agent Dennis Montgomery turned over a massive cache of surveillance/election data in August 2015 - December 2015 to the FBI and CIA under 2 immunity agreements that were granted via Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Curtis and FBI General Counsel James Baker.

Mr. Montgomery testified regarding SCORECARD and THE HAMMER, under oath and videotaped in an FBI secure, Washington DC, Field Office "SCIF" (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility).

If Mr. Montgomery had lied he'd be in prison today. He is not in prison.

Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte invoked the "State Secrets Privilege" & the "Government Protective Act" in order to muzzle Agent Montgomery and prevent him from revealing the illegal acts committed by the government.

Carlotta Wells, U.S. DOJ attorney & Assistant Director of the U.S. Department of Justice since the 1990s, told Montgomery that the "State Secrets Privilege" & "Government Protective Order" can not be invoked by government to cover up criminal acts committed by government.

IE: If covering up government crimes is government’s intention, then a muzzle order is null and void.

The Obama Administration illegally used THE HAMMER and SCORECARD.

The THE HAMMER was moved to Fort Washington, Maryland on February 3, 2009.

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3 years ago
