The Flash of the Past

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4 years ago

Bob Hayes...

Many people have no idea, even NFL fans, Even fans of the Professional American Football Club the Dallas Cowboys, do not know the name.

1960's...Bob Hayes anchor leg at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics of 8.6 sec. is considered the fastest 100 meters of all time, this was on a cinder track.
In 1963, Bob Hayes was clocked at 26.9 mph. at the 75yd. mark of a 100yd. dash, on a dirt track.
He had an incredible, five, 9.1 clockings, in the 100, in 1963

Bob was undefeated in 49 consecutive sprints between 1962-1964,60yds,100yds,100 meters.

Bob ran as fast as need be to win. He was world record holder at 60yds. 5.9 sec. 100yds. 9.1 sec. 100 meters, 10sec.flat. These times were run on dirt tracks, 57 yrs.ago.

On today's mono synthetic tracks, better shoes, aerodynamic running suits. Bob Hayes times from above, would be 5 tenths faster. He could easily have run with the sprinters of today and beat every one of them, including Usain Bolt.

One last thing.....His Rookie season with the Dallas Cowboys he avg. 21.8 yds per catch. in 1970 it was 26.1 yds. on the way to a Super Bowl loss to the Baltimore Colts.

The Super Bowl Victory in 1971, by his Cowboys, was the last time the Miami Dolphins would lose, from the Super Bowl date of Sunday Jan 16, 1972 to September 23, 1973, bookends the losses, in between was 18 straight wins, an undefeated season and a World Title.

Bob Hayes was the spark that ignited his team to win a title and caused his defeated foe to make history.

No other Man has an Olympic Gold Medal and a Superbowl Ring.

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4 years ago