The Basis of Love

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3 years ago

I was a switch hitter, batting lop-handed...meaning when batting lefty My right hand was still the upper hand.
I was a pitcher, had a good curve and slider...meaning I had a curve ball against right handers and a slider against was the same pitch.

I was terrible at baseball. dreadful.
Played on a state champion high school football team, Swam for MAC with future Olympians, Track, I was 10th fastest in the state 2 yrs in a row, I played for the Park Sharron Tornados, 3rd best AAU basketball team in America. The other Park Sharron team had Jerry Stackhouse and they were number 1.

But it was baseball that was the dream.

Maybe it was because I could dominate other sports that I desired to be good at baseball. Not sure.
As time has gone by I still think about the field, the lines, the ball in my hand, the feel of the seams of the ball.
Watching another home run being hit off me in try outs....knowing I'm done before I started.

It's funny the things we desire. That we remember...
Often, more often than not, we refurbish the past for more than it's worth and call it nostalgia.

My point is this...
That no matter who you are, there are some things we just can never have,
Sometimes it breaks our heart, other times it frustrates us for our entire lives.

It is this desire that moves us to be more than we can be, to push the envelope.
This is the basis of Love.

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