Rhythm of the Soul

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Avatar for AcidBrainWash
3 years ago

Funny thing about music...it can take you places and capture emotions long remembered after the song is over.

We live and work, day after day.

We love and we suffer...to hear in the lyric of a song someone else who may have had the same pain or joy you have.

It's reassuring, it's uplifting, even if it makes you sad...for all of life is bettersweet at best.

We fall, we fail we cry and we struggle for moments of happiness.

I have had the luck to work with the most talented people I have ever known in the business of making Music.

Friends from my childhood that decided long ago they'd make careers entertaining.


Love...no matter what we do, everything is about love. Either longing for it, or escaping it.

When the time comes and your song is over, you will leave behind all the troubles and fears...

You just play your part in Life's symphony, no matter who you are, you matter.

For even the Human Heart has a Rhythm.


I watched the Sun Rise today...

Love with all of Your heart.


I am -J1, find me on GAB.com, @AcidBrainWash

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