Multiculturalism's Nazi Origin

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3 years ago

Martin Heidegger and Paul de Man.

Two Nazis, invented the concept.

Multiculturalism...amounts to a type of self-hatred by liberal/progressive whites who see anything associated with "white" (Western culture, white Americans, etc.) is to be rejected & only race and class has any real meaning. This creed permeates academia and those institutions it feeds into such as the arts, education, entertainment, and government.

Their philosophy became the basis of Deconstructionism, an irrational belief system that rejects facts for feelings.

It is common practice for Multiculturalists to teach that colonialism was bad, but fail to tell students that colonialism usually raised the living conditions and life expectancy of colonial populations. They teach about Western colonialism, but rarely - if ever - mention Third World colonialism.

They teach about Black slavery in White America, but neglect to teach about slavery by Arabs, Africans, and Asians. They rarely, if ever, teach about the huge numbers of White people sent into slavery.

They teach about White "racism", about discrimination against non-Whites, but don't teach much about non-White racism. African and Asian organizations set up to defend their people are viewed as expressions of "ethnic pride", but White organizations set up to defend their people are described as "racist". Discrimination against non-Whites is "terrible racism", but discrimination against Whites is "affirmative action" (tell that to dirt-poor White people who miss out on employment opportunities because of the color of their skin).

To be clear...I am not white.

AcidBrainWash, -J1

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3 years ago
