Living in an RV?

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3 years ago

Recreational Vehicles...

It has come to my attention that many people, friends of mine, are now living in RV's to escape the cost of housing.

In Charlotte NC, a 2br Apt is $1100 a month and that's cheap.


This is both good and bad, it's bad because the people I know as friends have had to give up on the designs of their dreams to live in a way they used to make fun of. ie: In a Van down by the river...(SNL)

I am buying one as well, not so much to live in, but to have options going forward.

In the right location and preparing, having a really good functional RV, is a must. So with the right planning, it can be the adventure of a life time.


Rock stars live out of RV's all the time...John Madden did as well for over a decade while doing American Football broadcast commentary.

While you're no Rockstar, with a little effort, you can live like one while on the road.


Finding rest stops to stay the night and 6, or more, locations close by you can sleep. Having a camp ground you can afford is the best option, but they can cost upwards of $30 a day.

Apprx. $900 a month...for that kind of cash, just rent, or buy, a house.


The Worst part of living in an RV is the work, you have to maintain a vehicle while doing daily household chores, so twice the work of a house.

If you have a major problem, it can equal a loss of your home if not until it can be fixed, maybe forever.


Buying an older RV....Class A is like a bus that isn't a bus at all, there are No regulations concerning RV's and how they're made.

School Busses do have regulations, 1 million miles is the general rule of thumb. However, they're not made to be lived in.

So, this is you duty if you decide to engage this lifestyle. You must know that what you invest your cash and time into is worth it.


If you do will find that all the things you thought were so very important aren't. will find a kinder people on the road, less judgmental of you and willing to help.

This is about living below your ambition and accepting that your happiness as someone who refuses to accept, engage, society's rules...not quite a radical, more a wise man on top of the mountain.

Why?... because suddenly the whole world is your backyard.


I am Jay One, find me on, @AcidBrainWash

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3 years ago
