Is "Idol" Socialist?

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3 years ago

The "Idol" shows, "American Idol" would be the version here where I live.

They are perfect examples of a Fascist design/policy.

People vote but it is the panel of people and the producers of the show that make any and all choices of who will progress.

We learn this when "Sony" the label that would sign the winner to a multi-album/year contract did not have a right to the artists.

So. Mr. Spam-A-Lot, Clay Aiken refused to sign.

Ruben Studdard did sign....

Guess who won, even with Clay getting many more votes.

The deal was a 360 deal with a 5% take......meaning, you make 5% on everything, no matter where the income came from. 360 means you're in their cage.

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