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3 years ago

Modern Day Slavery?

I was a stage performer before and after my time as a Gov. contractor working with the US Army and Marine Corps.

My Band AcidBrainWash, was made up of 13 members who are all friends, none of us are contracted to one another, We just Love to create.

Polydor Records offered us, Me, a contract where I/We would receive 9% of sales....


This was a deal where they keep 91% of ALL monies made from Concerts, All sales of music in any form and they own the name and my image forever.

Called a 360 deal.

In the past it was custom for the deal to be 9% or 19%, and often somewhere in between.

A 9% deal means you keep your Image, and the Masters ie: the original recordings as well as their use for profit Forever.

A 19% deal means the opposite, they own everything including the Masters.


Today it's much worse, 5% 360 deals are all you'll find. Where they own everything and you get 5%.

Masters are important as that equals total control of what was created. Your music becomes their property wholly if you sign that deal and you have to create for them and they can refuse anything you create.

A Sweat Shop type deal. All Signing Bonuses must be paid back before you receive 1 penny of sales.

They do not have to promote you/your band and they don't have to get you airplay or arrange your tour.


In the past, You kept 100% of sales at concerts, and with a 9% deal they had to promote you, it was custom for you to have in writing $250k in Promotional funds they agree to spend on each album you release.

3 Album deals were common where they promise to accept your creations as long as they believe you have at least 1 hit.


My friends from Both Animal Bag and Sonny Ledfurd were signed to Polydor and were dropped after their 3rd Album was created, Polydor dropped them and refused to release their 3rd Album. Keeping it for future use.

This is another scam they pull, as Most artists best work is their 3rd Album and after.


I walked away.

Refusing to allow these pirates to rape me or my work.

I owed my friends at least that. Maybe I could have made a fortune, I walked in the door with 50 songs completed, maybe more. Enough for many Albums.

However they claimed there wasn't a hit in any of them...but wanted my entire body of work.

When I asked why this was the case, it became an argument, as the label exec. claimed I was being un cooperative...they were right. I would not allow them to steal my work and promise me less then nothing.


So, my work is on Youtube, Soundcloud and Bitchute.

I don't get paid any longer, but it's mine.

Sometimes not dealing with evil people is a better way to live, regardless of payment. We're all going to die one day, allowing evil people to waste your time is the greatest of all errors we can make.



Bitchute playlist


I am Jay One, Founder of AcidBrainWash, find me on @AcidBrainWash

I hope you enjoy my work, feedback is welcome. I don't take things personal. It's just Work.

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Avatar for AcidBrainWash
3 years ago
