Flat Earth, Gravity and Proof

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3 years ago
Topics: Flat Earth, Gravity, Buoyancy, Globe, Nasa, ...

8 inches per mile squared.

That is the curve of the earth as claimed in every text book you can find.


Why can't we see this curve?

Change in atmosphere, we don't have a change until apprx. 18,000 feet.

This is what the Globe Earth people claim is the cause for not being able to see the curve of the planet.

However we don't see the curve in a 3 mile stretch, much less than 18,000 feet. We should see 72 inches of curve, but...we do not.


Gravity...if we take a Helium filled balloon and place it into a vacuum, the balloon will fall.

This proves there is no Gravity, it's buoyancy that determines what floats or sinks.

Some will claim, "well the Balloon falls, that proves Gravity, it falls."

However, if the Balloon would rise outside the vacuum, and the only thing different is the removal of Air...It can't be Gravity. If it was then why does it rise with air?


If we examine footage from the edge of space we see a flat line for the Horizon, unless a fisheye lens was used.

121,000 feet and we see a flat Horizon.


You will find countless videos claiming the Flat Earth claims are foolishness...but not one engages the 8 inches per mile squared.

It's always some curve without the math, this is what they all claim is proof.

While at the same time, refusing the math/experiments that displays we can not be on a Globe as it's claimed to be, the shape of the Earth can not be a ball.


But, but, but....NASA and the pictures from space........

"Then we wrapped the flat map around a ball. My part was integrating the surface, clouds, and oceans to match people’s expectations of how Earth looks from space. That ball became the famous Blue Marble." -Robert Simmon, Title: Lead Data Visualizer and Information Designer for NASA.



Antananarivo, Madagascar is 19 degrees south of the equator, in May the Noon day Sun appears at apprx. 11.54am. The Sun is Directly overhead.

Meanwhile, in Barrow, Alaska 19 degrees south of the North Pole. We have a 24 hour Sun.

They are 12 hours apart, on opposite sides of the planet.

This is impossible on a Globe.

I'm J1

Come to GAB.com and find me @AcidBrainWash

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3 years ago
Topics: Flat Earth, Gravity, Buoyancy, Globe, Nasa, ...
