9/11 Cause and Effect

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3 years ago

Sept. 11th, 2001.

I will do my best to make one case of why the Government claims are impossible.

Heat: 2007 the Deutsche Banc building, at 130 Liberty & 4 Albany streets, was still standing. The 4 Insurance Companies, Chubb and Zurich, paid quickly, but the lion share of the $1.7 Billion Dollars ($1.54 Billion) was owed by Allanz and AXA who refused to pay. Claiming it wasn't destroyed by WTC1's collapse.

This Forced Deutsche Banc to hire R.J. Lee Group Inc for forensic analysis of the dust in the building to prove it was from WTC1.

In the Report, now a Court Document, it details Boiling and Evaporation of "Aluminosilicates". For this to happen it requires a Temperature of 5,000 degrees F.

To break this down more, Bentonite Clay is the source of the Aluminosilicates. why does this matter?

Bentonite Clay is the fireproofing.

"To vaporize lead 1,740 C, 3,164 F

To melt molybdenum (spherule formation) 2,623 C, 4,753 F

To vaporize aluminosilicates 2,760 C, 5,000 F"

There is Nothing in a passenger Jet, or an office building that can cause Temperatures of this magnitude.

This is just one aspect of the event that displays the Lie Government Gaslights the people with.

Once You know the trick, you see it every time.

I am J1, find me on GAB.com, @AcidBrainWash

Ask me and I'll give you a link to the RJ Lee report and tell you where to look in it.

Thank You for Paying Attention.

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3 years ago
