Who possess much success power? (men or women)

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Life

This is very complicated and argumentative subject. I believe some people would not agree with me but this is my opinion. Have you ever wonder why man was created before woman? Have you also wonder why woman was created after everything that was needed for human survival has been created? Woman is flexible and vulnerable unlike man who is rigid in physical appearance and in other matters. Naturally woman was created to enjoy life and not to survive life the hard way. That was why she came to meet everything set in the garden of Eden.

Men by then was to be in charge of everything and to take very good care of the woman since she was man's perfect half. The normal changed after both man and woman ate the fruit of good and evil. Both man and woman had their punishments after disobeying the Creator (God). Man's punishment was to sweat and work harder to cater for himself and his wife (woman). Woman's punishment was to suffer in her pregnancy and in time of delivery.

Initially, the agony of life to face wasn't the reason for creating them but it was their disobedience that led them to that. In this new era things have totally changed so both men and women have to survive sometimes independently aside the punishments given by God. But facts still remain the same that women don't have to stress themselves that much to attain success due to their vulnerability nature unlike men who have to double up their efforts to achieve success.

Women hold much success power than men. Women sometimes act as a success channel for men, meaning, women play important role in achievement of success in men's lives.

Let me use Jacob and Esau case as an example. Back in the Holly Bible, it was through Isaac's wife (Rebekah) who paved the way for Jacob to receive his father's (Isaac) blessings. It was Rebekah who played the major role in Jacob blessings attainment. If it hadn't been for Rebekah, Jacob wouldn't had received Isaac's blessings.

Moreover, women could start trading business with few things and small capital and could turn them to bigger ones of success unlike men who mostly would need huge capital before they could start the business.

Furthermore, In marriage homes, good wives play a major role in the success life of their husbands. They advise their husbands positively and help to manage the home resources well. It is of this reason I advise men not to maltreat their wives. What do you think would happen to a man who maltreat and stave his wife who shields his success when her tears fall on the earth? It would totally breaks his success.

This is something most men haven't realised but it is true. Men who divorce and drive their wives and children away from home for inappropriate reasons suffer later because it is not just their wives and children that they have driven away but also the ones who brings success to their lives. No wonder men who respects and treat women well are mostly the ones who succeed in life.

Women are special creatures who pull success to life and so should be respected and cherished. Success is not likely to happen in places where women are not present. Women control the forces of success and also distribute them. Both governmental and private institutions need women to succeed. Countries and continents need women to succeed. There could be no better development of our economies without women.

The power to control wealth actually lies in the hands of women. However, they also have the power to push away success or wealth. Men, we shouldn't frustrate and treat women badly because they could push away the success we possess or bring down our fame. Since women have much success power, they holds the success keys in the four corners of the earth namely, North, South, East and West. All these facts prove that the universe cannot be a complete success without women specifically the good ones.

These are just my thoughts.

Thanks for reading.

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$ 0.10 from @carolinacardoza
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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Life


The truth is hard to accept. But sir, you have nailed it all. I so much love the article... A lot of insights are in there.

Many might find it difficult to comprehend because capacity to learn is a gift. I thank God for your life and for making Your pen your sword, and your tool to better the universe.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I really liked your article, it is well written, in a simple and straightforward way and it touched my soul. Long live women and men too.

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2 years ago

Thanks for seeing my article worth reading and for stopping by.

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