The future of artists and fans with audius coin.

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3 years ago

Previously, there was a time when artists have to go through hard or difficult process to sell their songs or music when YouTube and other social media weren't in existence. The advertisement of their songs by then was more than a bullet for them to take.

Fortunately in this recent time, modernization or technology has helped bring down such problems these artists were facing. It for this reason that AUDIUS has innovated blockchain technology to serve as a supportive coin for artists and also to aid in their songs promotion.

Audius has created a platform where Artists are rewarded with Audios coins when they upload their recorded songs there. Luckily, fans who also join the Audius plaform happen to have a share in the coins when they listen to the songs of their favorite or any artist which have been uploaded on to the platform.

Update on Audio coin.

Recently Its circulation supply is 220 million Audio coins with a maximum supply of 1.04 billion coins. Its all time high now which is $4.95 happened on 27th March 2021. Currently, its all time low with the price of $0.04373710 occured on October 23rd 2020.

Lately it is traded around $0.80 in price. Of late binance is the active exchange that trades Audio coins.

For further information about Audio coin or platform you can check from the links given. 👉 ,

I don't know if there is any platform or community that particularly sponsor artists with Bitcoin cash. I think this will be a great way to maximize the adoption of Bitcoin cash if there is a community, platform or an institution set up to sponsor artists in the music industry with Bitcoin cash.

Thanks for stopping by and reading through.

This content is originally authored by I, Achi7 with the exception of the links indicated purposely for further research for readers who want to find out more.

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3 years ago
