Stoms of life.

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2 years ago

Why do you come into our lives in times we don't expect? Have you come to destroy our happy moments for a while or for long. Things were moving on well in our lives, then suddenly here you are. You actually don't give us notice of your coming. Do you do that intentionally or you don't even know why you come into our lives suddenly in our merry moments to mess up things for us? No! We would not agree if you tell us that you don't have a purpose for your coming. There is a mystery you are hiding from us.

Why are you hiding your purpose for coming into our lives? We could sometimes imagine to figure out your purpose in our lives, at other times, hardly it is for us to figure out your purpose. Why do you play mind games with us to present yourself as a mysterious stranger? You do shut up the mouths of some of us, keeping us in a long silence with emotional pains. You mostly depart from our lives as if you would not come back but you return in a worse way than your previous visit.

We actually don't need your visit but you intrude on our lives without our permission. You come into our lives at anytime or moment you prefer since we could not control your coming. You are the reason why some of us grief in sorrow and wished were not born in this life. You are the reason why some of us unfortunately commit sucide. You are the reason why some of us have lost their parents. You are the reason why some of us have lost their children and love ones.

How do you feel seeing people wailing? Does it make you happy? Do you even have a heart? No! We think you don't have one, because if you actually have one, your actions wouldn't have caused others pains in all areas of life. We don't even know what to call you or what name to describe you exactly because you don't appear in our lives in a specific way but you come in different ways and forms. Do you come on your own or you are sent to test our faith?

Whatever your reasons are, your presence felt bitter in our souls. We have heard a lot of stories about you. Some say, your coming strengthen their faith, others also say, your coming brings despair in their lives. We don't even know whether to call you good or bad. You are like a healed wound which leaves behind a scar to remind us that you could come again in our lives as long as there could be 90% possibility of scratch on the scar to bring back the pains. Do you even mind what people say about you? I guess you never mind.

You work boldly without fear and preference in the lives of all creations. You never get tired in your work. Who or what actually inspires you to do the work you do? Do you even get rewarded for the work you do or you just do it for fun? You never listen to one's words of pleading when you haven't accomplish your mission and you continue to stay as an unconcerned family visitor watching. You hardly submit yourself to us when you are on mission and you never mind to pity us for once. Whatever your purpose are, we could neither accept nor reject you since you have partnership with our lives, a mysterious one which is difficult to explain and understand.

Other matters.

Hi fellow read cash content creators sorry for not being punctual and not publishing articles here often. Honestly this isn't intentional. I have been very busy for sometime now and this has been the reason for not publishing articles often. You Know that read cash is about quality in content creation so you could not just post anything below quality just like that. This is why I don't post very often because I would have to make deep research or have to think deep to create something meaningful before publishing. I'm just an amateur content creator so I have to do more thinking unlike the professional content creators here who have advanced in knowledge and also have strategic plans in publishing their articles often. I would try my best to post here in my free time or with the chances I have.

Thanks for reading.

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$ 0.04 from @Princessbusayo
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Written by
2 years ago


Congrats for your articles again! Hard times only proves that we are strong and the power of God is with us. SuperJulalaine

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Storms of life. May God give us the strength to be patient and never in an hurry to commit suicide or do something that might hurt us because storms are temporary and they will leave.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life has a different images in life. It's maybe good or bad. One thing we should do is always striving hard and fighting whatever darkness we face in life.

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2 years ago