Hello I am Ace,

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3 years ago

My name is Ace John F. Barrios. I was brought into the world on the 25th of February in 2000, which implies I am 21 years of age now. I have 3 brother or sister; a senior sister and 2 more older brothers. I also have my mother and father as well.

I love going to class and I have consistently viewed my examinations appropriately. I have never said to anybody in my life, that 'I disdain studies '. Numerous individuals find me as a nerd, however I just consider that to be a commendation instead of an affront. I have huge dreams, with regard to consider. Since I was 7 years of age, I chose to be an Engineer. So that is my objective and I generally attempt to expect to give a valiant effort at school, so hopefully my persistent effort will pay off eventually. I don't actually have a clue why I chose to be an engineer. I simply love numbers. In spite of the fact that I do feel sorry at whatever point I see my fellow students battling in this field in there, however the fact that we have schools to train understudies like me is something incredible. Sticking with individuals has consistently been my longing. At whatever point I see somebody, who I think need friend or help, I am continually able to acknowledge them insofar as they're acceptable and nice.

A few interests I have are; understanding books, watching motion pictures or movies, cooking and playing football. I love to understand books, since books can generally be genuine friends. They never request neither do they whine. This is the manner in which I view books. Generally I read light novels. At present, I am reading a novel called “The Beginning after the End”.
I'm additionally an extremely principled individual and remain steadfast on what is good and bad. I'm additionally an exceptionally straight and legit individual. I comprehend and realize that we as a whole put on an act at times and don't show who we truly are or what we feel yet a few groups do this continually and those sorts of individuals that I can't stand
if you are reading this up to this point, I hope we can be friends :)..

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3 years ago
