A Complete Guide On VDI And How It Works?

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This article will explain what virtual desktop infrastructure is, how it works, and who needs it. Continue reading for a thorough understanding of VDI.

 What exactly is a VDI?

 VDI is an acronym that stands for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure to manage virtual desktops. VDI offers a centralized server to host desktop environments and deploy end-users upon request.

A hypervisor inside a virtual desktop infrastructure splits servers into VMs, which host the virtual desktops, which may be accessed remotely by a user from any device. All virtual desktops can be accessed from any location, and all processing takes place on the host server. A user will connect to a desktop instance using a connection broker, which works as a middleman between the server and the user.


Virtual desktop infrastructure is classified into two types: persistent and non-persistent. Each type has its own set of advantages:

Persistent VDI

·         When a user first logs in, persistent VDI assigns them a single virtual desktop. They are given to the same virtual desktop each time they visit the VDI. All of their modifications will be saved in the virtual operating system for future use.

·         Users may customize their apps, settings, and workflow with persistent VDI. It's the greatest choice for fast-paced digital settings where users want to be able to customize their experience.

·         Another advantage of persistent VDI is that users can pick up where they left off. This option is the most similar to using a physical desktop.

Non-persistent VDI

·         Users are assigned to the same virtual desktop or a randomized selection in Non-Persistent VDI. On each use, all changes are undone.

·         Users' customizability options are reduced to zero while using non-persistent VDI. IT managers, on the other hand, will benefit from a data center that is easier to manage. Monitoring compliance is also simpler without customization.

·         Non-persistent VDI is the way to go if one-time access is required. Users who do not need to save their work will benefit from a more efficient working environment.

What Is the Process of VDI?

When a user signs in to their virtual desktop environment using client software, the request must be approved by a connection broker after authentication. The broker will analyze the request, and the user will be directed to a desktop in the pool of virtual environments.

The hypervisor on the servers will produce numerous virtual machines (VMs) that will host the desktop. A hypervisor provides a high availability function that enables resources from several servers and virtual desktops to be combined and moved to another server.


When a virtual desktop is not in use, an administrator may switch it off. They may aid in the management of server capacity. For example, a server with 500 GB of RAM may be utilized to produce 500 virtual desktops with 1 GB of RAM apiece. Assuming they don't all utilize the desktop computers at the same time.


The desktop picture is mirrored from the source to all other desktops. It is referred to as coming. The virtual drive from a master desktop will be connected to all other desktops using linked cloning. It aids in the reduction of server space. The information is kept individually. Complete cloning will result in the desktops being disconnected from the master and functioning as separate units. As a result, they will need their own disc space.

Desktop pools may be created using VDI pricing. The administrator may then manage this pool, provide desktops to new users, create rules, or create a base-level setup for all desktops in the environment.

 Methodologies for VDI

Virtualized desktop environments may be delivered in three ways:

Desktop-based VDI pricing occurs when a desktop is virtualized and hosted on a data center server.

A server-based VDI is a remote desktop that runs on a server operating system and can only be accessed by one user at a time.

Individual sessions operating on a server, whether a virtual machine or a real server, are referred to as session-based VDI.

Most current virtual desktop systems include VDI solutions, with server-based VDI being more relevant to server virtualization and session-based VDI being a combination of the two.

 What Are the Advantages of Using a VDI Environment?

So, what's the purpose of transporting a physical computer to a remote location? Or is it even possible to use a remote environment in the first place?

There are many advantages to virtualized desktop environments, so let's start there.

Data can never be lost

VDI was created to aid in the control and management of desktop environments. A good VDI pricing environment supplier should offer users continuous backup of the environment.

It implies that it may be recovered if you accidentally erased a file. If you misplace your laptop, you may still access the data and programs since they are all stored at the data center.

 Remote Control

Virtualization desktop infrastructure offers remote access to apps and data stored on the network. You may work on a paper from the workplace, go home for lunch, and return to it as if you never left.

Even if you have moved places, you will see the changes as they occur.

Minimal administration

IT is well aware that desktop administration is time-consuming. Purchase desktop computers, install them, update them, expand their resources, troubleshoot them, and so forth.

With a VDI virtual desktop environment, you have to physically handle a thin client, which is intended for minimum maintenance.


Malware and viruses infect traditional desktop computers. It is less of a problem with a VDI pricing system since a desktop may be restored before being infected.

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