Where conscience lead?

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1 year ago

"There is good in evil and there is evil in good."

A 5-year old me can not fathom what my mother was blabbering about this good and evil things, all I know at that time was it is good to obey your parent and bad to speak untruthfully. God will reward good deeds with good treats then punish naughty children.


I'm on verge of giving up. Everything around me do not inspire me anymore. It is so exhausting to just exist.

Of all people, why me Father? It drains me much that I can not even complaint or cry.

Some times I ask if is this really my fate of maybe God have not forgiven me for stealing my classmate's candy in third grade.

But I did asked for forgiveness, didn't I?

I am innocent and young at the time.

"... but you understand and know that it is not right. You pursued because nobody was watching." says my inner conscience.

Truth be told. Now I realized I am just sorry if I get caught, if not then secrets won't uncover itself. Or not?

We are only human. Can be tempted, shattered, worship, build. Even the purest nun can commit sin. Even the most smartest person have dull moments. Even the most ignorant knows something that Einstein don't.

You are human, so be a human. Life is already hard, so don't make it harder for yourself or the people around you.

Be kind. Be truthful. Be compassionate.

You will be rewarded.

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1 year ago
