A Day in My Life: Entry #1

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(I've been thinking for quite time now that, for me to develop my skills in writing I must practice a lot. Read.cash is the best platform to share our works while practicing . I decided to focus on certain topic to master first before exploring new ideas. I chose "A Day in My Life series" to work on, so everyday I will be posting entries regarding this topic.)

We all have different routines on spending our day so I’m going to share with you a glimpse of mine today (06/15/2020). There’s nothing special about it since we are still observing community quarantine, our daily activities will only be limited around the house.


I woke up around 7:00 am to 8:00 am. Since I’m not going anywhere and don’t have any plans for today, I didn’t bother to set my alarm. Upon getting up, I fix my bed, wash my mouth and face then prepare my coffee.

While waiting for my coffee to cool a bit, I swept the floor then helped my mom in the kitchen. We ate our breakfast after. I rest a little and scroll through read.cash feed in hopes to get ideas for my next article.

 Few minutes later, my cousin came to look for my brother. I borrowed his bike and drove a little, I’m still practicing though. It’s just days since I first learnt how to ride it.

I got tired and came back to my room. I lay in my bed and realized that my room is really a mess so I started fixing and arranging stuffs. Time check, it’s 11:53 am! It’s almost lunchtime so I took a quick bath.


12:30 pm: My mom called us for lunch, it's a family habit to eat our meal together. I do the dishes afterwards.

I have nothing to do this time so I decided to sketch some portraits of my favorite celebrities (I'll be posting it here soon ☺). I finished drawings then got bored, I lay in my bed and opened my social media account.

While scrolling, I saw my friend's post about her "Quarantine Diary". I gives me idea to make my own as well. I grab a pen and paper and started writing down notes for my article.

It's around 4:00 pm now and I suddenly felt hungry. I want to eat pizza! I asked my mom for her homemade pizza recipe and luckily, she cooperated *chuckles*

We prepared the ingredients and started cooking. After one and a half hour of preparation, our pizza is now ready. We had our late merienda while watching television.


 We had our dinner around 7:30 pm, a bit late because we're still full (of course, we ate a lot of pizza! Ha ha)

Before going to my room to rest, my mom asked me to take out the trash because my brother is assigned to do the dishes. After that, I went to my room and prepared my clothes. I took a bath and resume writing articles.

That's it for to day! It's still 9:30 in the evening and I'm still doing stuffs here in read.cash. I'll see you tomorrow for a new entry of my daily writing series. Addio!

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Sponsors of Ace


well not bad, you leave a pretty decent live... So how long are you planing to go at this, is it gonna be a week or more

$ 0.00
4 years ago

it's still undecided maybe after a few series or if i will decide on new topic. i still want to share a lot of hobbies and routines through this series, i hope you'll support me too ☺

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User's avatar Ace
4 years ago

okay that sounds about nice... It would be interesting to know more about you. I sure would support you.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thankyou! i'm glad that someone's interested in knowing me ♥

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User's avatar Ace
4 years ago

Hi @ace your life seems to be mundane and yet you wrote it so well.. are you currently on some form of lockdown? It feels so nice to be surrounded with your family that’s what I felt in your diary today hehe

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4 years ago

Yeah, there's nothing special on my day to day routine due to this pandemic lockdown. we can't go out or visit some place do adventures, but still i'm trying to be productive by helping in household chores or read books and do some exercise, more likely biking hahaha i've been very inclined with it since I learned how to ride it

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User's avatar Ace
4 years ago

I would say this is a nice start. Your post looks neat. You can add it to the community Diaries if you like. I wish you good luck.

My tip: only add those communities which have to do with the topic you write about. Good luck 🍀

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4 years ago

Wow, what a "biographic" article. But I see your daily routine is fun, with the pizza making, sketching and all. Sounds fun. Nice article.

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4 years ago

Thanks for appreciating Mr Rich ♥

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User's avatar Ace
4 years ago