What Did I Do In Crypto Today? | Plus Some Tokens to Consider | 1st October 2021

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Avatar for AbunEnt
2 years ago


Disclaimer: This is absolutely what you think. It is indeed financial advice, and if you follow it, take responsibility for your decision to follow it. You are a grown-up now. Don’t come wailing back to me if it did not work.

I was kidding. This is not financial advice.


Good Day

Continuing with my crypto engagement, I will talk about a few tokens and coins that I had invested in the past and were of use relatively recently. I am just interested in sharing those experiences, and of course, many can, in turn, share their pet coin or tokens to invest in. Invariably, an excellent way to exchange notes. 😊

So, let’s jump in to find out more about my recent coin/token saga.

Some Cool Coins/Tokens

Here is one coin/token that I had earned a long time back without knowing I had and used it yesterday.


A couple of years back, I came across VITE as a token that can be mined through a mobile app. I did try it despite my reservations about doing any crypto on my mobile. A laptop was fine, but the mobile was out of bounds. Anyway, I made an exception to VITE. However, the VITE app kept asking for upgrades to mine more and more tokens, but I grew suspicious of it and deleted the app.

To my great surprise, years later, VITE was launched on Binance, and I was like, what the he**. I went back to the VITE site and tried recovering my account with my credentials, which worked. I had about 230 VITE, which I moved to Binance. You know, I felt the proverbial - "if only I had mined more back then feeling". Anyway, VITE was worth about $0.3 around then, making my portfolio worth $69.

But this was just half of the story. Two days back, there was a VITE trading competition on WazirX, and I moved my VITE there. I’ve doubled my VITE playing in the trading competition. So, that’s a plus. 😊

Lesson Learned: Never underestimate any coin/token.

2. Initiative Q [Now Called Quahl]

Okay, this one I never understood. I don’t even think we are talking about crypto here. This Initiative Q page suddenly boomed to the fore somewhere in 2018, and all the ICO hunters hunted for Q too. What it asked us to do was find referrals and earn Q. They said that one Q could be $1 someday. I still don’t know if it is crypto or not. And significantly, it died down, and I never heard of it again.

Fast forward to last week, and I saw someone posting on Twitter about the Quahl coin. It seemed to follow the same modus operandi of Q. I went back to my age-old excel sheet and tried accessing the Initiative Q page, and it redirected me to the Quahl page. To their credit, they kept the 6,346 Q that I had earned back then intact but now call it “qh”. Also, you can’t have unlimited referrals to the program. Every person is assigned 5 to 10 referrals to ensure equality. Here’s how my page looked back then and still does.

So, if qh becomes $1, I get 6000 dollars. Hmm. Nice. Anyway, the site shows that I can invite two more referrals, so if anyone is interested in taking my Lesson from the VITE coin [DON’T UNDERESTIMATE ANY COIN/TOKEN], please join in.


And, of course, once you join, you can get your referrals too. 😊 Also, the referral link leads you to the Quahl page, which gives you sufficient information, if you wish to know more about the project.

Some S**t Coins/Tokens

The idea of becoming an instant millionaire runs across my mind quite often. And guess what, many have become millionaires by hodling s**t coins. My opinion - make hay while the sun shines. 😊

1. Baby Doge

Wait, didn’t I speak about it yesterday, then why again? That’s because I went ahead and bought 529 million of the tokens more. 😊 And, of course, with no financial dent. It was just about $0.32. I sometimes wonder why can’t I just put $10 or $100 into the coin instead of these breathtakingly small amounts. I guess I don’t trust the coin yet. Heheh… Or is it that I don’t have money? Muahahahhahahah.

I have no clue why I laughed.

Some Gaming Coins/Token

1. Splinterlands

Most of us know of Splinterlands by now, and I keep winning these cool everyday quests.

Remember, all these assets add up to my holdings and then allow me to get greater SPS airdrops. So, it is an excellent place to be. If you want to join the fun, you can do so here.

JOIN Splinterlands

Go ahead. What is there to think?

That’s It

I guess, from my writings, you get to know about more tokens/coins out there, and it just raises the collective knowledge of all crypto enthusiasts. I hope you had fun discovering a few and do share your own choices too. 😊


Image Courtesy: Ijmaki @Pixabay



Some Useful Sites to Give You More

Some of the good crypto-writing-earning sites:

Publish0x: Earn ETH || Read.cash: Earn BCH || Tipestry: Earn Dogecoin || Trodl


Some crypto-faucets and jewelry earners

Torum: Earn XTM || Noise.cash: Earn BCH


Some crypto-faucets and jewelry earners:

Horizen: Earn ZEN || Mene: Earn $5 on signup || Earn Litecoin || Earn Bitcoin || Pipeflare: Earn ZEC, FLR, DOGE


Few Gaming-cum-earning sites

Splinterlands || Drugwars 


Spot and/or Futures Trading Exchange

Binance || KuCoin || WazirX


Search Tool That Pays in Crypto



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2 years ago
