Splinterlands | Llama and Kron The Undying | Beating the Unbeatable!

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Splinterlands | Llama and the Kron

One unbeatable pairings I have come across on Splinterlands is the Llama and Kron the Undying. While I have the Kron, I don't own a Llama. The opponents I have come across using both are very difficult to beat. It is so difficult that I take guilty pleasure talking about battles where I do get the better of them. 😊 So, no prizes for guessing why I am writing this post. Hehehe.

Why is the pairing of Kron and Llama so difficult to beat? You see, the Kron is a self-healing monster and a magic one at that. It is quite a formidable opponent all by itself. The summoner Llama, on the other hand, brings in three abilities - last stand, cleanse, and additional health of two.

So, now, if the Kron is the last monster, then first of all, it gets the last stand boost to its health (which is ten without the boost), an increased attack value of 5 (from regular 3), and then cleansing of all afflictions. This means the Kron will be self-healing from roughly 18 health (or 15) with an attack value of 5. That is super-formidable. But then it becomes super-duper-formidable with the cleanse making the Kron unstoppable. Now, you see my point.

Let's see this formidable pair in battle, but before that, let's take a moment to learn about Splinterlands. After all, that's where you will find this pair.

What Game is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a digital card game that allows you to collect, trade, battle, rent, and even earn from the cards. *The game gives Play to Earn a whole different meaning.* By now, you would know that the governance token (SPS) airdrop made millionaires out of the early adopters. It still keeps giving and remains a fun and engaging game.

To give you an idea of how lucky you can get in Splinterlands, read my story of getting cards worth $500 from buying only a few packs worth $20.

Got Cards Worth $500 from $20 Packs

And this is just a tiny number. I have witnessed people getting uber-expensive cards in their pack and selling it for as high as $6500. In fact, there is a whole Splinterlands marketplace on the Hive blockchain and now on Wax too.

Any reason not to try out? To join, scroll down quickly. 😊

The Llama Amping Up Kron The Undying | Pair Made in Splinterlands

As I mentioned earlier, it is difficult to beat the Kron and Llama pairing. Even if we use the Halfling and cut the Kron's attack value to half, it will still be cleansed by the Llama. No affliction can stop the Kron from self-healing because even that would be cleansed. So, all in all, the Kron keeps attacking with bazooka-level magic attacks and can soak all opponent's attacks.

The only way to stop Kron is to destroy it before it reaches the first position or hope to have an attack value greater than the Kron's healing value. That is, the Kron heals back by six health when in the first position, and if that is so, then the opponent has to keep attacking each round with an attack value greater than 6. If not, the Kron will eventually destroy the opponents.

But, now that we know I won, let's see what happened. Shall we? 😊

Face-to-Face With The Opponent | Ready for Battle!

This is how the battlefield appeared.

My team appears at the bottom of the screen while the opponent is at the top. I think part of the problem is directly visible. The opponent has no attack monster against my tank. The only one with visible attack strength is the Kron, which is at the back of the pack.

It seems that the opponent (or bot) got the team only for the Kron. So, other monsters in the lineup are a placeholder until the Kron comes to the first position. That is a bad idea.


The Battle Rages

Why is the opponent's lineup a bad idea? Here's why?

The first few monsters are done away with by round 3. However, my monsters are hardly hassled. The healer keeps healing my Mustang, and the magic attack of the Kron is barely making a dent.

And by round 6, even the Golem is done away with. That brought the Kron to the front, and it received the last stand boost. Notice that the health has gone up to 18 and attack value to 4. The only reason it is not five is because of my Mushroom Seer that reduces the opponent’s magic monster’s attack value by one.

And then they start to tango.


GG | I Won!

The last screen shows the reason why I would go on to win. The Kron heals back by six. However, my total attack value is 8. That means I will slowly but surely eat into the Kron.

This is how things looked at the end of round 13. What was baffling is that my Halfling would attack and cause the Kron to lose its attack value to 2. The Llama doesn’t cleanse at this point. So the Kron heals back and attacks with an attack value of 2 and only then it is restored. This works well for my Mustang which takes the least attack and then heals back immediately.

And in two more rounds, the game is over. I win.

Want To See The Actual Battle?

For those of you that are not happy with just the screenshots of the battle, here is the fight.


You can play it and see. I've got to admit that it is more fun that way! :)

Got the Better of the Llama | I Won

You see why it is not easy to beat the Kron and Llama combination. Even with more attack monsters, it took me 15 rounds to finish the opponent's lineup. Anyway, I enjoyed the game, and I hope you all did too.

For those who love to watch the battle instead of the screenshots, the link is provided for you all (previous section). Enjoy watching! 😊

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Image Courtesy: Splinterlands Resources


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