Splinterlands | Chaos Legion | Five Packs with Two Legendary and One Gold Foil

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Splinterlands | The Enigmatic Lands

With the Splinterlands game's ever-expanding reach, it is becoming more and more enjoyable to see new strategies in play. Even then, we can't deny the fact that most of us were looking forward to the opening of the Chaos Legion packs. That, of course, includes me also.

Interestingly, as strategies go, many of my good friends in the Splinterlands kingdom recommended not opening the packs. One of the reasons is the points for the SPS drop. If the cards don't turn out well, holding them in pack form would make sense. But hey, who's to know what kind of cards I would get. The other reason is the anticipation of an increase in the price of the Chaos Legion packs, should the packs get sold out in the regular sale. Very good chance of that soon, considering the number of players today.

Both the points are valid and hold merit. However, I am the curious kind; I have always been and am not the cat that got killed. So, what the heck, I might as well get them opened. 😊

I am sure you want to know about the Legendaries and the Gold Foil. So, let's go. But before that, how about getting to know Splinterlands first? After all, that is the place where you will find the Chaos Legion Packs. 😊

What Game is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a digital card game that allows you to collect, trade, battle, rent, and even earn from the cards. *The game gives Play to Earn a whole different meaning.* It is one of the most generous games that I have seen where cards, potions, Dark Energy Crystals (DEC. Cryptocurrency) are given out every day to thousands of players for just playing and winning daily quests. And there are tournaments that you can play or guilds that you can join.

Just to give you an idea of how lucky you can get in Splinterlands - read my story of getting cards worth $500 from buying a few packs worth $20 only.

Got Cards Worth $500 from $20 Packs

And this is just a tiny number. I have witnessed people getting uber-expensive cards in their pack and selling it for as high as $6500. This means the game has interested buyers for your cards too. In fact, there is a whole Splinterlands marketplace.

*If this is not enough, then Splinterlands has just launched the governance token SPS, which is being airdropped to all Splinterlands players over the year. So, you are not late. Get on with the game and earn SPS today. SPS is listed on exchanges, too.*

To join, scroll down quickly. 😊

Pack Opening Saga

The last time I opened five packs, I got two legendaries, and one of them was a Gold foil. The Gold Legendary was the Byzantine Kitty. The link to that story is above. Have a read. It will be fun to know.

Anyway, coming to the current Chaos packs, my luck continued to impress me. I did find legendaries and gold foils. Again. And if you understand how the packs would have been bought, it was all down to not having enough Vouchers; neither did I try to get more. But it wasn't all that bad for having just five packs.

So, which are the Legendaries? Here they are.

Corpse Fiend

And that's the first legendaries that I got. The Corpse Fiend belongs to the Death Splinter, and its advantage and salient features are almost immediately visible. A zero mana cost monster is always a welcome addition to the game. Think of all that low-mana health-equalizer rules, and you would know where to fit this monster.

As of today, there are already two thousand in supply, and there would be more as the remaining fourteen million packs are opened. This card is relatively undervalued, in my opinion - just USD 31. Somewhere I feel this one falls in the Mighty Dricken category, though the Dricken just had about a supply of six cards.

Hmm. so this card is not going the Dricken way in terms of price. However, I wouldn't count it out for a future price upside. After all, hundreds of thousands of players are now reaching out to get fifteen million cards. Even a card with a two-hundred thousand supply would average two cards per player. If that is so, wouldn't the legendaries have a lot lesser supply? So, what do you think would happen to the demand, and therefore, the price as time goes by?

You guessed it. Hold on to that thought! 😊

Zyvax Vuul

How do you even pronounce that one? Hahaha.

Here's one legendary from the Dragon Splinter. It looks fantastic for sure, but I am not certain how the abilities would work in a Dragon battle. At the moment, I would hold my comments on the card's use in action.

Everything else is interesting. It too has just two thousand supply at the moment, and though it would increase in the future, it is not going to be too many. So, all the economics we discussed for the Fiend applies here too.

Mycelic Morphoid

The Mycelic belongs to the Earth Splinter and is a common card. This one is a Gold Foil, but the supply would be more in the "common" segment. So, I will be finding more of these.

I am not looking down at this card or any of the other twenty-two cards that came in the five packs. Just a year back, the cards selling at one-hundredth of a cent in the Untamed packs are now trading at more than five dollars. I have seen that happen right in front of my eyes, and it would continue to occur as more players join.

So, yeah, common or not, they all are mighty impressive to hold.

That's It

Those are the cards that I found. In fact, when I consider the other cards in the pack, there are numerous gems. I mean, a taunt monster, heal monster, armor repair monster, and more. So, not a bad find at all.

Anyway, let's see how the second pre-sale goes. I would be happy to get to the regular sales. That would be cool to buy in bulk.

Want to Join Splinterlands?

You can click below and follow the link. All the best!



Image Courtesy: Splinterlands


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