Reddit’s New Series of NFT Avatars Are Out | If You Have a Reddit Account, Go And Claim It

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Disclaimer: This is absolutely what you think. It is indeed financial advice, and if you follow it, take responsibility for your decision to follow it. You are a grown-up now. Don’t come wailing back to me if it did not work.

I was kidding. This is not financial advice.

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It’s My Birthday | Launching Avatars Is Reddit’s Way of Wishing Me!

Those on Reddit would know that Reddit keeps launching new avatars every now and then and there are free versions too. The free versions are basically for everyone but with a select mint cap. Which means they are finite and the claimants many. So, quickly read and go and claim yours. This one is the free version.

I must say, that the current ones are the cool ones. The new ones are focused on endangered animals and sort of creating awareness about them too.

The most exciting part for me though is that it has come on my birthday. Is it Reddit’s way of saying Happy Birthday? Maybe, it is. Even if it is not. 😊

Here is my prized catch:

And details of the NFT.

What Do You Have To Do?

There are 6 total types of NFTs and each one has 120 K copies. That should suffice the early birds, I suppose. But, be the early bird.
The six types are:

1. Hog-Nosed Bat — 116 K left
2. Axolotls — 112 K left
3. Giant Softshell Turtle — 116 K left
4. Saigas — 117 K left
5. Aye-ayes — 117 K left
6. California Condors — 118 K left [This was my pick]

As I had mentioned, these are first come first serve pick-ups. So, don’t waste time and go and claim yours. Also, I claimed mine about four hours back and in just four hours roughly 2000 to 4000 of each version is gone. So, act quickly and go and claim your prize.

Have fun!

So, That’s It!

You are still here? Shouldn’t you be rushing to your Reddit account?

Yes, please go and get your avatar and also learn about the endangered species that Reddit is shining some light on. 😊

Namaste! 😊

Image Courtesy: Reddit Avatar that I claimed.

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Some Useful Sites to Give You More

Some of the good crypto-writing-earning sites:

Publish0x: Earn ETH || Earn BCH || Trodl

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Some good earning sites for Tweet size posts

Torum: Earn XTM || Earn BCH || Tipestry: Earn Dogecoin, Dogecoincash & SuperDog

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Some crypto-faucets and jewelry earners:

Horizen: Earn ZEN || Mene: Earn $5 on signup || Earn Litecoin || Earn Bitcoin || Pipeflare: Earn ZEC, FLR, MATIC

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Few Gaming-cum-earning sites

Splinterlands || NFTPanda

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Spot and/or Futures Trading Exchange

Binance || KuCoin || WazirX || Bityard

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Search Tool That Pays in Crypto


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$ 0.20
$ 0.10 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @PVMihalache
Sponsors of AbunEnt


Nice! Will go check it!

$ 0.00
1 year ago