Naga Fire Wizard | Fiery Magic Attacker | At Super Fiery Mana Cost

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When I started playing Splinterlands, it took me about a week to realize that the Malric Inferno of the Fire Splinter and the Alric Stormbringer of the Water Splinter were some of the strongest summoners in my kitty. Needless to say, I started using them more to win battles. That also meant that I started to understand the Fire monsters better. And there she was – the Naga Fire Wizard.

There were many reasons why I saw merit in the card. For one, I did not have much of magic monsters in the fire arsenal. Even the common magic monsters were just about average, so the Naga lady filled in the magic requirement. Besides, I understood that magic attacks could penetrate armors and are the best monsters on the battlefield.

Playing with the Fire Splinter also brought forth some revelations while I was still a newbie. One of the main factors that I could gauge was the cost-benefit analysis, or the mana cost – magic benefit analysis of the Wizard proved it to be against the Naga lady. It was literally too much mana cost for less health going into battle. 

If that was not enough, the other revelation was that, unlike the water magic monsters, which had a magic boost because of the Alric Stormbringer, there were no such advantages for the Naga Wizard. So, why would I take the hit of such high mana cost for a low or medium mana battle? It just did not make sense. So, I just stopped using her for good.

Until now, that is. Let me tell you why. But before that, let’s get to know Splinterlands as a game. I am sure it would be helpful for potential players. 

What Game is Splinterlands?

Well, it is one of the earliest blockchain-based collectible games. Though I started playing the game relatively late, I should have had gotten going early in hindsight. Anyway, no need to despair. There are so many opportunities no matter when you start. 

*Splinterlands is a digital card game that allows you to collect, trade, battle, rent, and even earn on the cards. It is one of the most generous games that I have seen where cards, potions, Dark Energy Crystals (DEC. Cryptocurrency) are given out every day to thousands of players for just playing and winning daily quests. And there are tournaments or guilds that you can join.*

*Just to give you an idea of a few of the uber-expensive cards, take a look at this recent purchase of Prince Julian at USD 3500.*

Card Purchase Contract: Gold Foil Prince Julian

Did you go to the link and see for yourself? I hope you did. And I hope that gives an overview of the game. I just love the game, and those interested can go to Splinterlands’ site and join. If you want a link to join, I will leave one at the end of the article, which you can use. 

Scroll down, quick. 😊

Naga Fire Wizard | Costly Magic Warrior

So, why did I start using the Wizard again? Because of this week’s theme. Hahaha. Did you expect something else? Anyway, the start did not go well. I was so out of touch with the Wizard that I lost nine games on a trot just to see her performance. I simply did not know how to strategize around her anymore. But then again, I did come tenth time lucky, and that is the battle that we will see in a moment. 

When we go through the battle, we will understand that the high mana cap was one of the reasons for the battle to be successful. The nine losses that I spoke about were low and medium mana battles, which proved to me that the Naga does not fit in. Or, at least, I do not know how to fit the Wizard into those battles.

Anyway, removing my biases, we will look at the battle and infer a few of the points that I thought would be worth exploring.

So, let’s look at the battle.

The Naga Fire Wizard in Battle

The battle that I was getting into was a 50-mana battle which was good to fit in the Naga Wizard. The other thing that played well into the hands of the Wizard was the reverse speed rule. This meant that the Wizard would be one of the firsts to attack. I wouldn’t mind that. 

The enrage feature would be a hit or a miss depending on when the Wizard is enraged and if it would fire back immediately. Either way, I was hoping that the Wizard did not stand exposed because of its relatively weaker health of five. 

Let’s jump on to the battle.


The Face-Off

I was expecting hard hitters on both sides, but I wasn’t expecting the opponent’s summoner.

Bortus, the Water Summoner, took out the teeth of the Wizard’s attack by reducing its attack value. That made me wonder if the Wizard would be effective. Both the opponent and I took a taunt monster along, which was the only solace for me. So long as the taunt monster was around, the Wizard would not face any direct attack. 

The opponent chose the Water Splinter and had the Torhilo the Frozen as the lead tank. The Kraken was in the second position, which in my opinion, was a wrong choice. I always thought that the taunt monster should be standing upfront, which is its only position. Why? Because while it gets rogered by the opposing team, it can at least attack back. Don’t you think?

Anyway, the opponent also used a magic monster, the Spirit Miner, while two ranged attackers. On the other hand, I had gone with the Fire Splinter and the Magnor as the taunt-cum-tank in the battle. The Fineas Rage followed in the second position while the Naga Wizard and Zalran Efreet formed my two magic attackers. The last two positions belonged to Pyromancer and Cornelius. The reason was the Pyromancer’s blast ability while the Cornealus’ healing ability. 

That was the summary of the battle lineup.


The Wizard | Warrior Behind the Armor

The Bortus caused the Efreet and Wizard to lose one attack value, while after a couple of attacks, the Magnor was enraged. See that eight attack value and five-speed on the Magnor? 😊 That was good enough to take down the Water Splinter bull.

Also, I had an observation here. Because the Kraken was in the second position, my pyromancer affected two monsters other than the target (which was the Kraken). Another reason for the Kraken to be in the front and not in the middle. In a few moments, my Magnor succumbed to the attacks.

There was so much going on with so many heavy attackers that I failed to realize that it was just the second round. 😊


The Battle Races to Conclusion

The carnage continued in the next round as both my melee monsters were gone, and it was the Naga Fire Wizard that came to the front to hold positions. Luckily for me, it did not have to take the Kraken’s enraged hit, or it would have been done for then and there. 

Surprisingly though, it was the Naga Wizard that held fort till the end.

With only the ranged attackers remaining, the Wizard survived till the end. Somehow our champion held the fort for us till the end. Do I have to say that I won? 😊

Do I Use the Naga Fire Wizard Often?

As I mentioned in the beginning, I did use the Wizard during my early days of battle but then reduced the usage. It is just too costly for low mana and medium mana battles. Besides, if the opposition’s magic attackers go behind the Wizard, it would be lost sooner than later. 

But the one thing that is worthwhile for the Wizard is its attack value of two. For players just starting in the game, the base level Wizard provides a potent magic attack. It is definitely a decent monster to have in the pack.

Where Else Does the Naga Wizard Fit In?

One of the rules which works extremely well for the Naga Wizard is the health equalizer rule. This is the only place where the Naga’s potential weakness, its health, is overturned. With improved health, the Naga is extremely potent. Think about it. A magic attacker with the highest health (in that particular battle) having armor is definitely overbearing on the enemy. 

The one area that I would watch out for is battles where the opposition brings in summoners which could stifle the Wizard’s attack value. The Bortus was a good example in our battle. Of course, it wouldn’t be a problem if the Wizard is leveled up.

Talking about leveling up, let’s see how the Wizard fares.

How Does the Naga Fire Wizard Level Up?

Let’s admit one thing – the Naga Fire Wizard is one of the few magic monsters to have armor. So, that is definitely a plus, even in the base card. Here’s how it levels up.

The armor stays, albeit it does not increase beyond one. The attack value doubles to four, the health goes up by one, and there is an additional ability that comes to play. At level five, the Wizard also gets thorns which should be a fine addition. So, not bad.

However, the only complaint that I had was that the health never goes beyond six. That means the Naga would always be a costly monster in our pack, even when leveled up. Maybe, its mana cost – magic attack benefit improves as it levels up, but its cost vs. health graph does not witness too much of a difference. ☹

Naga Fire Wizard | Not Bad

While I would have loved to summarize on a cheery note, I must admit that the Wizard may not be my dearest companion too often in battle. Of course, the exception to the rule is when the health-equalizer rule is in play. That said, the Wizard does remain one of the very few good magic monsters in the Fire Splinter.

I hope you can try it out and have fun while doing so. 😊

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Image Courtesy: Splinterlands


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