CUBLIFE | Just When You Thought That The Leo Team Has Done It All!

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3 years ago

LeoFinance | New Projects | New Tokens

I used to consider the Leo token as just another token when they started on Steem. Though, I did notice that their tokens were worth way more than the other s**t tokens on steem-engine back then. But then, with Steem itself struggling to reach $0.15 for most of 2019, I did not expect any of the steem-engine tokens to do better. Then Hive happened, and here we are.

LeoFinance has not only taken the Hive community by storm but also the crypto-financial world. They have multiple tokens, with the last big one being the CUB token. Each of their tokens is worth (or at least most) is worth more than Hive. So, a project that started as one available on Hive-engine has gone on to become one with its own front-end (which other decent projects are following), own DEX, and own stats front-end. If that was not too much already, they are here with the CUBLIFE token.

CUBLIFE | The Newest Lion CUB

I am not going to give big sermons here before coming to the point. The point is CUBLIFE is the newest offering from the Leo team, and it has to do something with the LBI tokens too. For long, I wondered what the LBI token was doing anyway, and now I have the answer.

For those holding above 10 LBI tokens, there will be an airdrop of CUBLIFE tokens. The snapshot of your LBI tokens will be taken by 7th May. But the purpose of the CUBLIFE tokens is to allow investors to invest their LEO/HIVE in return for weekly LEO dividends. So, all that unused Leo and Hive can be put to use. 

I can write more, but you will know sooner than later that I have no clue what I am writing about 😊. Kidding, I do know what I am writing about. But still, let me direct you to the official post over here:

CUBLIFE(CL) from @lbi-token launching 21st May

The team has given timelines for each activity. That is - timelines for LBI snapshot, sending Hive/Leo to @cublife, timelines for dividend payouts, and more. So, have a read. It is an easy read of about 2-3 minutes. But more than that, it is another opportunity to create wealth for yourself.

Have a look! I am sure you will love it!

Keeping It Simple

I don’t want to make this one a lengthy article with more of my views and less real matter. That is something I hate at times. So, that’s all the news is about. Head to the official post and make most of the things as you deem fit.

Have fun! 😊

Image Courtesy: LeoFinance Resources


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3 years ago
