Been Watching the Women’s World Cup? | Participated in the HiveBuzz Contest on the Hive Blockchain?

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Women’s World Cup

To be honest, I haven’t been watching it much, except for a few matches on the internet. The work is so much that I hardly get time to digress. And work is much in a good way, the way I like it. 😊

So, why are we talking about something I am not watching? Well, it has something to do with the Hive Blockchain. I remember that Hivebuzz had a contest during the Men’s World Cup. The contest was simple – we had to predict the winner of the match before the match. The overall winner would be the one with the most predictions right by the end of the tournament. I got in late, but I enjoyed it much.

This time around, the same competition was introduced for the Women’s World Cup. I could not miss it again.

So, How Did It Go For Me?

Well, I got into the contest from the beginning but have to admit that I am nowhere near the top.

Here is the ranking at the time of this article:

The “badges” is nothing but the predictions that the contestants how got right. So, out of all the matches till now, including the quarterfinals, the top three have got 40 predictions correct. Phew!

How About Me?

I Haven’t Done So Bad

I have got 29 badges, and that puts me at 179th position.

With only three more matches to go – semifinals and finals – I will get a maximum of three more predictions right. I am not going to catch the frontrunners but this was good.

Good how? Just till last week, I was in the mid-200s in rank. So, I have made up nearly 75 positions. Also, as compared to the Men’s World Cup, this is a huge change. I am happy.

If you are interested, you can still join the contest for the fun of it. It is quite simple.

Here are the details: How To Register For the HiveBuzz Women’s World Cup Contest?

I hope you enjoy the Women’s World Cup, and more so, the hivebuzz contest on the Hive blockchain! 😊

Image Courtesy: Hive Blockchain

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