Moon Landing: Myth or Truth.

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2 years ago

When spacecraft land on the surface of the moon manned or robot is referred to as MOON LANDING. On 13h September, 1959 the Soviet Union Luna II was the first object from earth that touched the moon. It was one the first spacecraft to reach the surface of the moon and the first man made object to have contact with a celestial body. At the lunch mass of 390.2 it took Lunik II 2 days, 14 hours, 22 minutes, 41 seconds to make impact east of Mare Imbrium.

That is 1959 when the technology advancement is less than the current, the world get more money than those days. But yet it gives the world power had times to maneuver the moon surface with manned spacecraft. And most of the time giving the illusion of frequenting the moon with manned craft.

I Interview some University Student that, if they are to guess when was the last time man land on the moon? Their answer baffles me and it keep me wondering how the media evolve our minds.

Apollo 11 is the first crewed mission to land on the moon on 20th July 1969, and made 6 crewed landings from the first crewed landing to 1972.
United state is the first to make a manned mission to the moon and departed the moon December 1972.

Why moon landing might be a myth.

Since 1972 no spacecraft has ever land on the moon surface with crew. In-facts the number hard landing robot is more than soft landing robots .

Hard landing: Hard landing is the crashing of spacecraft on the surface of a celestial body.

Soft landing: Is the successful landing of spacecraft on the surface of a celestial body.

The fact that with all the technological advancement we have now, no nation dare to send spacecraft to the moon with crew.

We have more space agency both private and government but no one dare to try it. If it has been done in 20th century what’s wrong with 21st Moon Landing

Of course the moon landing is not a myth, but there are a lot of misconceptions about it.

The main misconception is that the moon landing was faked. This comes from the belief that the moon landing was filmed on a sound stage and not on the moon. However, this is ridiculous because there is plenty of evidence to support the fact that humans have indeed been to the moon. For example, hundreds of photographs were taken on the moon during several missions and we still have rocks from the moon! In addition, there are tons of people who were involved in putting people on the moon and none of them have claimed that it was fake.

The other misconception is that Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon. Although he was indeed the first person to step foot on our closest neighbor in space, others had walked there before him. The first person to walk on the Moon was Buzz Aldrin!

In my own opinion moon landing was real both manned and unmanned, and the question of why man is not send to the moon recently might be a top government secret.

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