Some Cheap and Common food Of Bangladesh

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Avatar for AbtahiRahib
4 years ago

Today I wil Discusse About some Common and Cheap foods of Our Country.And This Is u believeable that these food r So tasty that you Wanted to eat more and more .

Here Are some:

1.Cha-Parata(Tea And parata) :

It is one of the most affordable food in our country and it is Available everywhere in our country. In fact, this dish is a very common dish.Here you will dip the Parata in tea and eat it.

This food is so cheap that it is a daily food for the lower class people of our country.It is also a favorite food for people of all walks of life


This is another commonest food of our Country.and this Is the most tasty food in cheap price.

People of all classes Eat it.even most of family made it at home as Breakfast.Students,Job worker,business mens,Family members All love it So much.the Food is mainly made of Vegetable, so that is Most Healthy food of our country

You can Find it anywhere in our country.afterall it is the common food item of our country restaurants.


This Almost Same as Vaji-parata but it is Made up or Daal.and Trust this is also so Testy. It is Available everywhere. Infect in our Student life we eat this Most

That's all For today,soon i will come back with new food item with bew Artciles.

Please like And Comment on My Article,Abd check my other food Articles below

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Avatar for AbtahiRahib
4 years ago


Wow nice article! Good Job!

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4 years ago

Thanks You for your Precious Commen, it mean a lot

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4 years ago