Mobile mining: The next wave of cryptocurrency

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Avatar for Abothe
Written by
4 years ago

 Helo guys hope you are all safe at home.lets fight with patient and determination.

Today  i am sharing something which will one day become a sucessfull reality in the feature of crytocurrency.

Mobile mining

The idea of earning  cryptocurrency by being part of a system or activity that reward with tokens is not new now a days. But mining cryptocurrency on mobile phone  just like Pi  or  App like Electroneum is contribuiting a new wave  in the present cryptocurrency era. And looking forward for a bright feature.

Yes you heard it right . You can mine cryptocurrency just using your android mobile phone with version above 4.1. You don't need to spend money on building up mining device. What you spend is just your mobile price you bought from market. That hillarious right!!

How can you mine

Well many sites are opening up just to download their app or software and you can star mining just signing up.This is quite a new trend of mining cryotos. And may fuel up the values of crypto at the market in the near feature. Apps like minergate,pi network, electroneum etc are some of the popular crypto mining apps till date.

Lets know what are they

Pi network is said to have cross 1 million users in 2020.its still untradable but people are extremely busy collecting pi because once the market are open.It's gonna be a big surprise to the pi owner just like bitcoin did in 2008.

Mining pi is very easy and simple unlike other cryptocurrency pi mining  doesn't drain much battery and doesn't slow the mobile processor speed.all you need to do is just tap every day in order to prove that you are still a active user..

Another cryptocurrency called Electroneum (ETN) is a user-friendly, mobile-oriented cryptocurrency that can be mined on any Android mobile phone. According to data  i collected from google it has over 2.5 million active users is also said that from this app users can mine up to $3 USD worth of ETN every month.

Lastly one of the most popular mobile mining app is minergate. You can  find this app from the website as well as google play store.a very distinguise and unique feature about this mining app is that it allows the miner all over the world to interact each other through a chat platform. Which i considered it as a special feature of this app. 

Apart from that , this app also provides more than 10 cryprocurrency to mine at a time mainly altcoin  including the top ranking crytocurrency bitcoin and ethereum.

Here i am sharing how the minergate platform looks like 

My view point about mining cryptocurrency

Of all the three mining app i would consider mining pi network even thought its not tradable at the day it will be and is more user friendly.

From my own experience and opinion mining cryotocurrency from a smartphone is not going to make much profit. Even though it will a bit. Because mining cryptocurrency for profit require a more powerful gadget. It doesn't mean that moder smartphone are not powerful but cryotocurrency mining machin is more powerful than the smartphone. And is also costly. But still mining crypto througn mobile is going to be new wave in the feature of cryptocurrency.

The only disadvantage of mining cryptocurrency using mobile device is  that it leads to overheating, lower performance of processor an more importantly damages the Google baned most of the mining app. But still we can find some at the app store.

Thank you for reading.

 Don't forget to vote me up.:)

$ 0.00
Avatar for Abothe
Written by
4 years ago


To some extent cryptocurrency mining is not profitable on mobile devices aside from damaging the device gradually. Moreso, many of those mining sites out there are scams. Personally, I don't venture into cryptocurrency mining anymore.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It true that most of the mining site are scam but not all what i had mention above three are all legit. But the thing is theire valus is very less

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for the reply. It is appreciated. I didn't condemn the sites you recommended. I only said most mining sites are scams.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yess almost 80% are scam . I have tried few of them month before and find out that most of them are scam. They asked to deposit funds before we can withdraw.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for your reply. It is appreciated. We just have to be careful on the internet so as not to lose our hard earned money. Have a nice day.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Mostly cryptocurrency are the main target of scamers and hackers. Thats why we nedd more security information

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, you have made a point. Scammers are always on the look out for cryptocurrencies to steal.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hey join me on publish0x this is my link . Its amazing out there .just like

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for the reply @Abothe. I'm encouraged. I will surely join you on

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sure will see you there too. You will surely love it. Its a great atmosphere out there just like

$ 0.00
4 years ago