Exploring the BAT community

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4 years ago

Headsup all BAT and BRAVE users out here .Today i received an ads from brave browser about a new BAT community they have launched. Its not that much new but a few month old. There i find lots of useful site where user can get lots if benefit using brave and BAT. SO i thought of exploring all its features. Here is my report


BAT community is growing everyday as many users are joining their community. With the introduction of BAT token in the  brave environment the value of BAT has been increasing drastically. With the initiation of reward system from brave where users are paid in BAT for viewing advertisement. The main goal of BAT token  has came into reality. It has start  attracting attention of many people. With this bat commuity is  expanding vigorously with many new partnership and colaboration coming up.  Here i am listing some available feature in  bat community you shoud try.


BAT community podcast

In 2019 Brave had launced  an official BAT Community podcast . which is now available in batcommunity.org.here users can  see a  weekly news update, interviews and casual  chats about BAT and Brave. Users can view the podcast on their youtube channel, apple poadcast, spotify, Google podcast and their blog

Here are the link

Youtube channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7I7VAGLNgIgK0oPzTgpgmw

Apple podcasthttps://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/bat-community-podcast/id1494396789

Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/5ZQmXM6rgtGg9ptFJF0AMZ?si=FRPgVCr-RtSvYbnT-7xZGA

Google podcastshttps://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9iYXNpY2F0dGVudGlvbnRva2VuLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz



Swag store

Here users can find branded marchendise from BAT and BRAVE and is under a decentralised e-commerce platform. This feature  is a step toward a  progressive decentralization.
Visit the store here :https://store.brave.com/

Binance partnership

Binance a world largest crypto exchange platform had partnered with the brave browser making it the first browser to give users a space for buying trading cryptocurrency.The new widget is now available in the brave desktop browser  .This option makes brave a one stop shop for brave users  to make various options for manging theire  cryptocurrencies like  buying, depositing, trading etc.

Visit the page here https://brave.com/binance-widget/

Gift card for BAT token holder

Brave had also partnered with Tap network a universal reward marketplace by top companies.This feature enables users to redeem their Basic Attention Tokens (BAT) for rewards offered by over 250,000 top brands and merchants in the TAP Network. This collaboration makes token utility redemption a reality for Brave users.
Visit the page here https://brave.tapnetwork.io/

Everipedia & Brave Partnership

Brave/BAT had also partnered with Everipedia, the world’s largest blockchain-based encyclopedia.
The partnership will first involve a campaign aimed at boosting both brands among their communities. This is the first step toward a deeper collaboration.

 Partnership link :https://brave.com/everipedia-and-brave-announce-partnership/

BAT Community Forum

Thisis one of the most recomended sites for all the brave users and BAT holders.Users can join the BAT Community Forum and start organizing coordinate, collaborating  and help others learn. Whether a fan, creator, enthusiast, developer or a rewards lover, the BAT Community Forum is the place for every users 

Join BAT community here : https://forum.batcommunity.org/




Givebat.com is a new, fan-made website that helps shine a spotlight on the web's bravest websites and creators.

View page here: https://givebat.com/


BATGrowth.com is another fan-made website that helps users track verified publisher numbers over time, and see the full list of verified publishers. 

Visit page here: https://batgrowth.com/

Hope this find useful for BAT and BRAVE users out here

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4 years ago
