Decrypted: A movie on satoshi nakamoto

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4 years ago

With the mystery of Bitcoin inventor satoshi nakamoto still unsolved. The film industries are also trying to portrait the mystery in an outrageous and provocative dark comedy.

A UK based film industy Substantial films is working on a movie called Decrypted which is based on the  story of  a mysterious creator of Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto. The genre of the film is a dark comedy which is set in the world of intelligence agency.The role of Satoshi Nakamoto, is said to have been portrayed by Akie Kotabe.

The movie is about the government against the cryptocurrency. As it pictured Satoshi Nakamoto being kidnapped by the NSA and tortured inorder to get the information so that the goverment could destroy crytocurrency. 

Directed by Tom Sands the film was reported to be about 70% completed .But was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The main aim of this movie was to  explore the emerging crypto space and also to ensure that the Bitcoin related element looks authentic.Hence, the film is basically meant to be part of the crypto revolution and the team menebers are also planing to released it to some crypto video platform.

One interesting thing about this movie is unlike other movies it was funded using cryptocurrency. Besides the movie’s screenwriter, Mick Sands, is also said to be a crypto enthusiast who is fasinated in  writing a movie which revolved around the crypto space. The movie is said to be released by the end of  2020.

Another crypto movies which is based on the best sell non-friction book Bitcoin Billionaire written by Ben Mazerich, the story of Wrinklevoss twin brothers becoming a billionaire is also still on the way of production.

I had published the same article on publish0x





$ 0.00
Avatar for Abothe
Written by
4 years ago


Hell yes. The kind of movie for us crypto junkies.

p.s. Have been some time since your last post.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

excited for that!!!!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Can't wait to watch it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago