8 Things i like the most about publish0x

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Avatar for Abothe
Written by
4 years ago

Recently publish0x has celebrated for reaching their signeficant milestone of 100k registerd user.  Such a big achievement within this short stepulated time of about 1 years is mainly because of their comendable feature and amazing platform which are very users friendly. Still they are in beta phase and with such achievent during this phase we can easily say that there is  a very bright future ahead .  Here ia my affilate link https://www.publish0x.com/?a=9wdL9ZYvej

So here are the thing which makes publish0x my all time favourite blogging platform

  • Opportunity to earn both for readers and writers

There are also other blogging site where both the reader and writer have the same opportunity to earn. But the most differentiating features of publish0x in this regard is that  we dont need to invest from our own pocket in order to tip and earn reward . The tips automatically came from their rewards pool.And allows both the reader and writer to earn some percentage while tiping.whreas in other platform like read.cash we need to invest something from our own pocket inorder to tip. And only the writer got the benefit from tiping.

  • Quality of article published

All the writer in  publish0x are not randomly choosen.  Here in publish0x in order to become a  qualified writer one has to submit and application to become a writer along with his/her previously publish article or blog.which i think its a very transparent and right way of choosing a writerwho are eligible for writing quality  content. Because of such screening procedure in choosing writers , here we can see a lots of useful and quality article from different writers. Also this proces encourage  writers to increse  gain more interest in writing good article and increase their writing skill. Also helps in building a healthy relation between readers and writers.

  • Daily statistic update chart

This is one of the very rare and special feature of publish0x. I have been a member of many other bloging platform like kikiers.com,read.cash,uptrends, blasting news etc. But till now i haven't see any of these site showing a daily update statitics just like publish0x has been doing everyday. This feature is very interesting and it make publish0x more trustworthy to users and at the same tine  make users more aware about how sucessfull is this platform going. And also how much is this website popular now adays.

  • Well layout clipboard format

An interesting feature of publish0x is their clipboard layout. It makes users feel like they are writing  in  MS word . Pre formated well designed and distinct layout With different formating option like paragraph,font style, bullet, paragraph orientation, heading size and font also picture and video embeding  feature  including a social media sharing platform like twitter,youtube etc. This makes writers find it easy to edit their article anytime according to their choice.

  • Wallet recomendation and different ETH token payout.

When it came to the time of choosing wallet in order to send our earning . There is no confusion about which wallet to choose. Because publish0x team are working hard to make sure user choose best wallet to keep their crypto safe by recomending which wallet to choose like Atomic wallet as per their suggestion.

Another distinct feature of publish0x is its abiity to earn in three different ETH token namely DAI,BAT and LTC.Hoping to add more in future if possible. This makes users give an opprtunity to earn  different crypto asset instead of only  one like BCH  in cash of read.cash.

  • Publish0x support/querry system

The most important thing for any platform to grow is by helping their users in solving their problem when any issue came. And also how fast the team member react  to any question put up by the users.Here in publish0x their service to the users is quite satisfying. Their support email support@publish0x is where i find it very useful to put up any query  or get help for any problem  i faced. They always give a satisfying reply and help me   solving my problems.

  • Maximum opportunity for writers to earn

If you are member in publish0x then its not worth being a member until you are qualified to become their author. Because here author have more potential to earn more daily. Because,  since they are choosing writer under certain screening process most of the article published are of high quality and hence the chance of getting maximum tip is possible. And also high possibilty of getting maximum traffic and income for every article you published. Unlike those in platform like read.cash where there is less chance of getting tip from readers. In publish0x every article you publish always got tips from readers.

Writers need to  take only some time to write a quality article  and publish it. The rest will be done by the publish0x alogorithm. So just write a good quality article ,publish it , sit back enjoy a cup of tea and your effort will be paid automaticaly.

Also being a member their ambasador program help us to earn more extra bonus income up to 5% per referral.

  • Ability to do deeper tracking

Under its ambassador program  there is a  very unique feature called TIDs( tracking IDs). This helps  users to create a  separate IDs for any purpose such as reddit, facebook,  or whatever traffic sources they use . Then they can attatched the link generated to any publish0x URL.  Hence helping the users to choose which traffic sources work the best.

$ 0.00
Avatar for Abothe
Written by
4 years ago


Poblish0x is a great place for making money and publishing our Blogs Thank you for your articles this is great Article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are mostly welcome .yes it is . More over you can see more quakity article over there. It a great place

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow. Thanks for the information. It was really informative. I came to the conclusion that PublishOx is best website that everybody should use. Now, I must try this platform, otherwise i will lose my opportunity.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I also use PublishOx and i really benefit alot from it. Am still yet to be approved as a writer there but i hope i will get approved. Good article. Thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice to hears that. Wish you get approve and eaen more. It take just one day ro get approve in my case

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow that is cool. You were really lucky. But is it only articles on crypto currencies that are being approved there? All i see in the platform are only articles on crypto currencies

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Its the same with read.cash nut there most of the writer post about cryptocurrency. Other topic is quite rare

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Alright. Thanks alot

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are mostly welcome will see you there once you got approve from theire team. And wish u all the best

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I also use publis0x and getting benefits.Thats a good platform.Tips for both readers and eriters is best.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yess its the best method for publiahox .we also do t need to invest anything. Just tip as we do naturaly

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yah! Publishox is awesome and good, but I prefer read.cash to it. I have an account there, but not active as their payout to me is low compared to read.cash. Secondly, I get my pay directly from read.cash to where it will be converted to Naira, but for publishox the tokens must be converted to BCH or BTC then to Naira.....I don't have that time.

$ 0.00
4 years ago