You Are Neither The First Nor The Last.

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Avatar for Abisolami
1 year ago

There is nothing that we hear that has not happened before. Also, there is no warning that we have been given that other people have not been given before. There is nothing new under the sun. The things that have been happening previously even before we were born are the ones still happening and it will continue to happen. Nothing has changed. Should we say something has changed? If I to say that, I will just take about the rate at which informations spread. Information spread so fast these days. Back in those days, there was no telephone or internet connection that will help people to transmit information. The only way was through sending etwrs at the post office. Back then,if they want to send letters, it may take about a month and it depends on the location too.

If something happens here, other people who live elsewhere won't know because there is no way to spread the information very fast. It was just like they were ignorat then. Thanks to technology. Things are getting better. It is so easy to receive and also spread information to say part of the world. At the same time, it is easy to talk to people who are very much faraway from you. A lot of us have friends outside the country and we are being able to reach them anytime we want to. If it was not for the help of technology, we may not be able to reach them very fast like we are doing now. That's the benefit of it.

I just want to watch us all with the way we get amazed at some particular news as if it has not happened before. Normally, we are different people and we react to things differently but we should be able to control our emotions so that it will not affect our mental health. There are some times that I read some news or read headlines and I see things that are so disheartening like the war happening between Russia and Ukraine. It's disheartening to me especially when I see how little children who know nothing about this war are being killed. One thing I was able to teach myself is to control the way I react to news like this so that my emotions won't get crippled. Whenever you get a sad news, I know how it is going to feel but I want you to get out of that feeling very fast so that it won't make you fall sick.

Life is too short to be sad. If something happens, just have it in mind that you are not the first person and you won't be the last.

I love you 😍

$ 0.03
$ 0.02 from @Gaftekloriginal
$ 0.01 from @Kingslayer
Avatar for Abisolami
1 year ago


It is true that information spreads very quickly through technology. The use of technology to identify criminals and other things is immense.

I think, as technology helps to find crime, on the other hand, many people are easily involved in crime through technology.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hm. You're very tight about this and that is why technology has it's advantages and disadvantages

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nothing is new again under the sun.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

One It's so alarming

$ 0.00
1 year ago