Things to do for a good night's sleep!

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Avatar for Abir123
4 years ago

Hello Everyone! Me Abir and I'm going to give you some tips about Sleep.

Sleeping is a very necessary thing in human life. Moderate sleep is essential for a healthy life. Almighty Allah Ta'ala has created the day for work. And created the night so that we may rest.

But there are many of us who spend the whole night pressing the mobile, And go to bed at dawn. It is very harmful to health. Regular sleep deprivation can lead to many long-term illnesses. We fell asleep if we wanted to and we spent a couple of nights without sleeping again. None of this is good. There are some rules for healthy sleep. In the language of science it is called sleep hygiene. Adhering to sleep hygiene will help you sleep better. Good sleep will help you to get rid of various diseases.
I have brought these tips to you after much analysis..These are given below:-

1.Avoid staying awake at night and sleeping during the day.

2.Make it a habit to go to bed and wake up at a certain time every day.

3.It is better not to sleep during the day. But if you have to sleep in the afternoon,It should never be more than 30 minutes.

4.Adequate work should be done during the day so that the body will be a little tired and sleep well at night.

5.You have to take care not to sleep after dinner.One should eat at a certain time before going to sleep.Dinner should be eaten two hours before going to bed.

6.It is better not to eat heavy food at night as it can cause digestive problems.

7.Try to avoid drinking tea and coffee after sunset

8.An hour and a half before going to sleep, mobile computer TVs should be avoided.

9. Bedroom environment must be conducive to sleep.

10.The bed must be comfortable. Care should be taken to ensure that the room is neither too light nor too dark. The room should not be too hot and too cold.

11.Pillows must be healthy.

12.It is better to take a bath with warm water after evening.

13.Do not look at the clock repeatedly because sleep is not coming. It stops thinking that your sleep is not coming.

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Avatar for Abir123
4 years ago


If a person don't sleep 10 nights at a rate, he would be died. So please try atleat 6 hours sound sleep, we all are know sound sleep makes our body fresh and energetic

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are right Bro:)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you bro

$ 0.00
4 years ago

My pleasure ❤️

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4 years ago

Already subscribe please subscribe and view me

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4 years ago

Humm sure!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It is such an informative article indeed. Many thanks to you for sharing it...It is also a helpful article too....

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you Apu:)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You're most welcome dear brother 😍

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4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Dear friend your artice is very good. Always i like yout every article. Sleep is good for health. If we have no sleep in night then next day is bad day. May god bless you. Thank you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are most welcome ❤️

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4 years ago