The Importance of women's education (In the context of Bangladesh)

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3 years ago

Hello Everyone. How are you?

It's me Abir once again. And I'm back with another topic.

About half of the population of Bangladesh is women. Excluding this half, no development of the country can be done properly. The issue of women's education is also closely linked to our social and economic development. In modern times, there is no reason to ignore her as a woman. At present, the basic rights of all men and women are equal and equal. In the modern world, men and women are equal partners in political, economic, social and cultural shifts. But keeping women in the darkness of illiteracy and getting that desired result is not a fear from them. So the importance of women's education is immense today. The whole world is giving utmost importance to women's education.

In ancient times, the dominance of women was absolute in many matriarchal tribal societies. Now women are important in Khasia, Gara and Rajbangshi societies. Educated women are found in ancient Hindu and Buddhist literature. But later the woman was kept in Atpur. In modern times, the unique status of women is recognized in the West - after the Second World War. With the establishment of British rule in India, women's education began and spread. Women get the opportunity to come out in the field of education. In the European way of life, the rhythm of women - equal status of men and free life - has a strong impact on the newly educated and newly awakened intelligentsia of this country. As a result, the air of liberation takes place in the flow of women's progress. Raja Rammaheen Roy, Ishvachandra Vidyasagar, Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay, Satyendranath Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore and other Bengali scholars were imbued with that flow of thought. Their untiring efforts opened the closed door of women's education and progress in undivided Bengal. Many obstacles are removed. Begum Raekeya Sakhawat Hassan played a leading role in overcoming that obstacle and bringing women of the Muslim community into the field of education. But even then, the institutional barriers to the education of Muslim women were not completely removed, but religious reforms and barriers remained. Gradually, Bengali Muslim women also started coming to the campus on foot and in the footsteps of a couple of stars and showed their witty talents. Begum Shamsun Nahar Mahmud, Begum Faizunnesa Chowdhurani, Begum Sufia Kamal, Fazilatunnesa are among them. The direct result of the development of women's education during the English period was the introduction of co-education at the primary school level. At the secondary level, there was a separate education system for boys and girls — although co-education was introduced in some schools. Later, co-education was re-introduced in colleges and universities. Separate colleges were also set up for girls. Such as- Eden College, Holy Cross College, Begum Raekeya College etc. Despite these advances, the position of women in education is far behind that of men. Begum Rokeya in Women's Education: Women's education was introduced in our country in the nineteenth century. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar has made a unique contribution in the promotion and dissemination of women's education in this country. However, Begum Raekeya has played a leading role in opening the real door of women's education in the Muslim women's community. Even at the turn of the twentieth century, Bengali Muslim women were trapped in darkness. In fact, the entire Muslim women's society was trapped in a web of superstition. Women are the animals in the corners behind the curtain. It was unimaginable that a Muslim woman would come out of the door of a house in a corner without a veil. Begum Raekeya blamed indifference to education as the only cause of all the misery of the Muslims. She founded the Sakhawat Memorial Girls' School in 1909 as she realized the need for women's education. She realized that in the midst of women's education, overall progress and family-social emancipation is possible. So she wrote books and numerous articles highlighting the need for women's education. Women's education in ancient and medieval times: In ancient times, women, along with men, participated in various activities, received education and gained knowledge. But Muslim women, whether ancient or medieval, have never made much progress. Religious prejudice and social bigotry kept the Muslim women of that time chained and unrestrained. Even in the upper classes, the spread of women's education was limited to the doorsteps of the houses. The main refuge of women was the prison at Athapur. Women's education was cornered due to the veil system. Women's lives became cursed by child marriage, polygamy and strict nobility. All sorts of tortures, including mental and social torture, were the constant companions of women prisoners of religion. In other words, in the old days, women's lives were basically captive.

There was a massive expansion of metallic consciousness. Suma Nari - Palu's gap decreases. Swati gets nani - equal to men. Women's Education in Madhin Bangladesh: If Bangladesh becomes independent through the great war of liberation, it will be a great privilege to create a new ulipana in the national bean. Various women's organizations became active. Gradually women realized their rights in the country through the Naga Mukti movement. In addition to initiating various processes, listening to Sufis connects with the international community. At present, women are equal to men in education. But in many cases a pioneer. All halls of primary, secondary, higher secondary, college, university during the interview. In many cases, girls in educational institutions are doing better than Ilders. They have added a positive level of new impetus to education. The spread of education has also spread. Today there is no village where there are some highly educated people, the importance and necessity of women's education: education is the key to the eye. If half of a country is plunged into the darkness of illiteracy, the overall development of national talent is not all without the expansion of education. In this context, the words of Lenin are memorable. She says that with the help of women, her thoughts and consciousness can be strengthened. So is the thoughtfulness and awareness of women. However, the development of that country is not equal at all. If we want to stand tall in the world as an educated and self-reliant nation, we will not find 25 semi-educated or literate women.

Expansion: Essential. Realizing the necessity and importance of women's education, Napoleon said that an educated mother can educate her child and sleep on their own. Because the mother's influence on the child is greater. He learns his manners, etiquette, etc. from his mother. Women as well as men are important aspects of national life. But education is necessary to create this awareness. Therefore, it is seen that the importance and necessity of women's education is immense. The importance of women's education in various fields is discussed below. The importance of women's education in achieving self-reliance: The importance of women's education in achieving self-reliance. In ancient times, women depended on their husbands for everything. But educated women of the time are doing responsible work according to doctors, engineers, and even police officers. So it turns out, women must be educated to be self-reliant.

Importance of women's education in housework: Looking at housework, it is seen that the importance of women's education is immense. Uneducated women cannot deal with the illness of a child in the same way that an educated woman can calculate the daily income and expenditure of the family according to the rules of health. If the burden of the world is in the hands of an educated woman, then the world will improve. So it is vital to educate girls like men.

Importance of women's education in nation building: Women's education is also very important in nation building. In the past, women had a significant role in shaping the country. Even today, women play a significant role in shaping the country. Every movement from the language movement to the present has had some contribution of women. And only educated girls have contributed to this. Therefore, the importance of women's education in building the country is immense.

Problems of Women's Education: Our society is patriarchal and patriarchal. Women have been backward in education in this society for ages. There are many reasons behind this. The main reasons for obstruction of women's education are discussed below.

Religious Reasons: Although the world has come a long way today, our society is controlled and governed by medieval religious beliefs. As a result, just as women could not come out from behind the scenes, so did their path to higher education.

Social attitudes; In our society now it is thought that even if there are thousands of girls, there are thousands of girls. Their activities are limited to cooking, raising children and housework. After marriage, the earnings of the girls also go to the next house. But the son's income remains in his own house. Moreover, parents consider their son as old age insurance. For these reasons, they are not interested in educating girls.

Poverty; Poverty is one of the major obstacles to the spread of women's education. A large number of people in Bangladesh live below the poverty line. Where Panta fails to bring salt, sending her daughter to school to poor parents is a matter of rage.

Fatayabaji: Fatayabaji is very active in Bangladesh. In order to satisfy their own vested interests, they called women's education a sign of the end times and issued a fatwa stating that there was no need for girls to be covered. As a result, women's education is hampered.

Shalyabibah: The practice of child marriage is prevalent in Bangladesh. In Pramanchal, it is considered a matter of pride to marry young girls. Thus the education of a girl ends in her childhood.

Lack of awareness: Prerequisite for education development Educated women are a blessing for a family. The educated mother was able to deal with all the problems of the world with determination. But this awareness does not exist in our society. As a result, women's education. Annoyingly Libran - always rational, easily hurt emotionally, very passionate and maybe a little too intense. This class of boys stood on the street and teased the girls. As a result, many parents stopped their daughter's education. Every now and then the girl chooses the path of suicide. As a result, women's education is disrupted due to emotional stress on others. It did not go as planned.

Negative Attitude: Many women in our country think that they have to go to their husband's house and cook. So what is the benefit of studying so much? Women's education is also being hampered as a result of their partisan attitude. * Superstition and our society is now full of blind superstition and bigotry. It is believed that educated girls do not follow the veil and the society is polluted. As a result, the path to hell for parents is also easy. That is why many parents do not want their daughter to be educated or to be educated in modern education.

Ways for the development of women's education: Without women's progress or women's education, the overall development of the nation is not possible at any time. Therefore, strong steps must be taken to remove the barriers to women's education. In order to spread women's education, it is necessary to pay attention to the following issues.

* Awareness: The people of Bangladesh could not be aware even today. They have no idea about the usefulness of education. They must understand that education is the backbone of the nation; Education is a prerequisite for the development of society, family and individual life.

Changes in social attitudes; The prevailing notion of girls in the society needs to be changed. Because, * Only the father's family survives on the income of a son. But the family of the husband and father can continue with the income of the daughter. An educated "According to a boy, an educated man can bring good to the family."

Adoption: Fatwa activists have been active against women's education in this country since time immemorial, so they need to be resisted and legislation needs to be enacted and enforced.

Child Marriage: It is also a curse for the nation, so the ban on child marriage should be enacted to enable women to be educated.

Population Control: If a family does not become popular, it will not be possible to educate its children, especially women. Population control is essential for the expansion of education.

Suppression of bullies: bullying of bullies, obscene comments, sarcasm Etc. due to which the girls are very restrained on the way to school. So we have to take measures to suppress them.

Social Movement: Above all, rapid development of women's education is possible through the creation of social movements. In this case, the national media has to play a huge role.

Government steps taken: If women cannot be established in the society through education, the overall welfare of the country is not a right. The Government of Bangladesh has realized that national development is impossible without the development of women's education. So the government has taken several steps in this regard. As a result of the declaration of ten women by the United Nations, the Department of Women's Affairs was set up in post-independence Bangladesh. It later became a self-contained ministry. To accelerate national development through expansion of education. In 1991, primary education was made compulsory. The government is also making efforts for its successful implementation through various campaigns. Not only that, in exchange for education, food programs have been introduced so that poor parents can send their children, especially girls, to school. In addition, for the overall advancement of women, the government has reserved 10 per cent district-wise and 15 per cent non-gazetted posts for non-gazetted posts. 60 percent quota has been reserved for the post of primary school teacher. Preserving this quota is an important step in the development of women's education. Government running. The measures are playing a significant role in the development of women's education. Providing stipends; Poor people in rural areas do not send girls to school due to poverty and arrange to marry them at an early age. This severely hinders the progress of women's education. Therefore, the government has made arrangements to provide stipends to girls up to 10th class outside the city. The provision of these stipends is playing a major role in the expansion of women's education. Private enterprise Apart from the government, various non-governmental organizations have also come forward for the welfare of women. Apart from the government organization 'Mahila Sangstha', Bangladesh Mahila Parishad, Women's Voluntary Association, University of Women's Federation, Dhaka Business and Professional Women's Club, Nari Paksha etc. have come and stood by the side of women. Women's society will benefit a lot if their activities are not confined to the city but also to the muffsball. Sub-formal education: The dropout rate in the formal education system is 75%. Various NGOs are playing a positive role in raising these school dropouts. Among them, mass development efforts, BAC, Proshika, UNICEF etc. are particularly noteworthy. BRAC has been running sub-formal education activities since 1985 and has been running about five and a half thousand schools till now. About two lakh children have so far learned from these flowers.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) told both men and women to take education compulsorily. So it is not difficult to remove the religious barrier in this case. All that is needed is initiative. We have a lot of work to do in the challenge of the twenty-first century. This is the age of world brotherhood, friendship and globalization. To fall behind here means to bring our own doom. Just as we need to avoid extreme modernity and gross perversion, we must also avoid old meditations - ideas and ancient beliefs. We have to be educated, elegant and well-mannered people. Then the dignity of women will return to the society. And if you want to do that, there is no alternative to women's education.

Hope you like my article.:')

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$ 1.09 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Abir123
3 years ago


nice post bro

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3 years ago

Wow It's really a great article for today Just amazingly describe dear

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3 years ago

Thank you so much dear 💖

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Most welcome

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3 years ago

very good post dear.

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3 years ago

Thank you so much dear ❤️

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3 years ago

Great article bro ...plz support me

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3 years ago

Sure Brother 😊

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3 years ago

Tnx brother... Many many thanks

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3 years ago