The Impact of Facebook!

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Avatar for Abir123
3 years ago

Assalamualaikum Everyone!🥀
It's me @Abir123 and hope you are well by the grace of Almighty Allah ❤️

Today I have written this article for you. Seeing the title, you can understand what I am going to discuss today. Yes I am going to discuss about the impact Facebook today.

Facebook was invented by Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg discovered Facebook on February 4, 2004.

By using Facebook we can easily communicate.We can easily communicate from one country to another through Facebook. Facebook has reduced our social distance.

Just as there are advantages to Facebook, there are also many disadvantages.

Facebook has drwan the attention of many. It has a deep concern for many parents. Blessings of information technology have been showered upon us. But the young generation always finds thrill in every aspect of modern technology. Recently Facebook,one of the blessings of modern technology has become a matter of concern. News spreads very fast through Facebook. So many times these rumors are spread. As a result of spreading these rumors, fear often works in the minds of common people. They become panicked. So if we want to believe something on Facebook, we have to check and sort it first. It is very easy to spread obscenity through Facebook. Facebook is the reason why many students fail the exams. Many students spend most of their day on Facebook. As a result, their education is being severely damaged. Facebook addiction is a concern right now that anyone can easily become a Facebook addict and it is very difficult to get out of it. We know that nothing extra is good, so we should use Facebook in accordance with the limits. And you should not share on Facebook without checking and sorting anything.

We have to keep an eye on Facebook so that it does not become a cause of our loss.
You decide how you want to use your time.Spend the whole day on Facebook or use the time properly. The life is Yours, The decision is Yours!

No more Today!
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Take care of your body and mind ❤️🥀

Good bye 👋

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Avatar for Abir123
3 years ago


I think you are new in this site.But you write ver good.Keep working lime this.You will success.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much 🥀 Keep supporting please ❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes it is harmful for me...i spend a lot of time in here....

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3 years ago


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3 years ago