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3 years ago

Paddy is generally a perennial plant, in some areas especially in temperate regions it is cultivated as a biennial plant. Paddy can be cultivated for up to 30 years. The growth and production of paddy often depends on the fertility of the soil.

Paddy trees are usually 1-1.6 m (3.3-5.9 ft) tall. Its leaves are slender, elongated in shape. Leaves 50-100 cm. (20-39 inches) tall and 2-2.5 cm. (0.79-0.98 inches) wide. It is usually pollinated by air. In the inflorescence, the flowers are branched from top to bottom. One inflorescence is 30-50 cm (10-20 inches) long. The seed is eaten as food, it is called grain. Seeds are usually 5-12 mm. Long and 2-3 mm. Becomes thick.

In areas where rainfall is high or low land, paddy is good. It is also cultivated on hills or hill slopes. Paddy cultivation is highly labor intensive. It requires a lot of labor, so it is easy to cultivate paddy in areas where labor costs are low. Its native plant habitats are Asia and Africa.

In order to cultivate paddy, first a seedbed has to be prepared, seeds have to be sprinkled there and irrigated for a few days, then when small seedlings are ready, they are picked up and planted in the main land. Moreover, direct seeds are also cultivated by scattering on the main land. Paddy cultivation requires a lot of water. Water is stored at the base of the tree for a long time. Usually water is retained by making pipes and isles. Rice production may be reduced due to weeds, diseases and insects. Radi rats are one of the main enemies of rice. Usually weeds can be reduced by keeping water in the soil.

I did some paddy photography from the field near our home. Now I am going to show you those photographs

The product of paddy is called rice. Rice is made from this paddy which is the main food of Bengalis.

Paddy season in Bangladesh

Depending on the time of cultivation, paddy in Bangladesh is divided into three parts. The three main divisions are Aus, Aman and Boro.

Aus Paddy:-

This paddy has been named Aush in view of its rapid (immediate) crop production. This rice is usually grown in the rainy month of Ashar. For this reason, its other name is Asadhi Dhan. However, this paddy can be cultivated at any time of the year. The names of aus paddy found in Bangladesh are: Atlai, Cuttackara, Kumari, Charanak, Dular, Dhalashait, Dharail, Patuakhali, Pashur, Panbira, Pashpai, Pukhi, Marichbeti, Harinmuda, Hasikalmi, Suryamukh, Shani, Shaita, Bhaira. Pati, Kala Bakri, Kharajamari, Mulke Aush, Kalamanik, Bhaturi etc.

Aman paddy:-

A corruption of the Sanskrit word 'Haiman' or 'Haimantik'. Rice special. Its other names are Aguni and Haimantik. Paddy is cultivated in most of the lands during the aman season. There are three types of aman paddy.

1. Ropa Aman: It is so named because it produces seedlings and produces rice by planting those seedlings. Ropa Aman Seeds are sown in the seedbed in the month of Jaistha-Ashar, Ropa Kar is planted in the main land in the month of Shravan-Bhadra and paddy is harvested in the month of Agrahayan-Poush.

2. Woven Aman: This Aman is sprinkled and woven. Bona Aman Seeds are sown in the field in the month of Chaitra-Baishakh and ripe paddy is harvested in the month of Agrahayan. It is also called Ashara Aman.

3. Bawa Aman: This aman is produced in the bill area. For this reason it is also called aman in deep water bill.

Different species of aman paddy are cultivated in Bangladesh. And each species of rice has a local name. Such as: Indrashail, Katibagdar, Kshiraizali, Gadalaki, Gabura, Chingrikhushi, Chitbaj, Jeshobalam, Jhingashail, Dhepi, Tilakkachari, Daudin, Dadkhani, Dudlaki, Dudhsar, Dhala Aman, Nagrash, Baish, , Maliadakr, Rajashail, Rupshail, Latshail, Hatishail etc.

Boro paddy:-

Other names of paddy origin India, Bangladesh region or state India, Bangladesh, Pakistan,

Boro paddy is mainly dependent on irrigation. Seed sowing starts from the month of Kartik. Paddy is harvested till Baishakh-Jaistha. Since the introduction of high yielding boro paddy, there has been a drastic change in paddy cultivation and the entire agricultural system. As a result, just as the cultivation of aus paddy has declined alarmingly, so has the cultivation of conventional crops such as pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, sweet potatoes and spices during the Rabi season. However, as this paddy grows in spring, it is called basantik paddy. The names of these varieties of paddy are- Aman Boro, Khayaboro, Tupa, Pashushail, Banajira, Boroboro etc.

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