Fruits of Bangladesh!

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3 years ago

This world is a wonderful creation of the Creator. God the Almighty created the earth and sent man to represent it. Fruit is one of the blessings that man has received on earth. In the prehistoric age, when fire was not discovered, cooking did not begin, or an attempt was made to quench hunger by burning in fire, people lived on fruit.

The importance of fruit in human life is limitless. Most of the fruit is delicious. By accepting it, human taste is satisfied. But the fruit has many benefits. Fruits meet the body's need for vitamins. The role of fruits in providing physical nutrition is immense.

Fruits in different countries: The main food of the people of Bangladesh is not fruits, but rice and wheat. But fruit is no less important as a staple food as well as a nutritious and aristocratic food. There are many countries in the world where fruit is considered as the staple food. Fruits are also considered as an important food by the people of most countries.

Fruits of Bangladesh: Bangladesh is a land of natural beauty. In this country of seasonal diversity, it is as if the conspiracy season decorates the nature in the form of manahera by mixing the sweetness of one's mind. At the same time, it creates in the bosom of nature a sweet store of various fruits full of form-juice-smell-taste. The main fruits are: Mango, Blackberry, Jackfruit, Banana, Pineapple, Coconut, Mango, Litchi, Mango, Watermelon, Guava, Papaya, Kamranga, Lemon, Pomegranate, Bel, Orange , Dates, pomegranates, grapes, etc.

Below are pictures of some fruits of Bangladesh:-

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Summer Fruits: Summer comes first in Bangladesh in a series of seasonal variations. Purity and roughness are the characteristics of this season. At this time the fields, the ghats are grassless, the canals are dry, and the wind is dry but in the meantime several main fruits are accumulated. Summer is known as honeymoon. With the fruit of the trees, the frozen and the weary people get absolute satisfaction. The main summer fruits are jackfruit, mango, blackberry, litchi and bel. Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh. There is adequate production of it all over the country. However, in the hilly areas of Dhaka, Sylhet, Chittagong and Comilla, the production of jackfruit is many times higher. Mango is mostly grown in Rajshahi and Dinajpur areas. People from all over the country get absolute satisfaction by tasting mangoes in fascinating magazines like Fazli, Langra, Mahenbhag, Gaepalbhag, Suryapuri etc. Litchi is also a kind of succulent fruit. Although litchi is produced all over the country, Dinajpur and Rajshahi are famous for litchi production. Berries are also an interesting nutritious fruit. Bell was born all over the country. Bell's sherbet looks like nectar to people who are thirsty in the heat of summer.

Monsoon fruit: Monsoon appears in great glory by removing the dryness of nature. This season signifies perfection and prosperity. At this time the canals - beels - pots - ponds are filled with rain water. The rainy season lasts for a very long time. Summer fruits remain in the rainy season but guava, pineapple, mango, batabi lemon and lemon are especially known as monsoon fruits. Guava is grown all over the country. In taste and nutrition, the popularity of this fruit is remarkable. At one time Barisal region was famous for guava and mango production but now local and hybrid guava is produced in large quantities all over the country.

Fruits of autumn: The sweet season of comes down with the softness of nature. Notable fruits of this season are palm, coconut, mango and pomegranate. Coconut and coconut are available throughout the year. However, old coconuts are collected more at this time. Coconut production is higher in the southern districts and coastal areas. Palms, mangoes and pomegranates are grown all over the country.

Winter Fruits: Some of the best fruits are produced in winter. The depressing season of winter is conducive to the production of fruits like orange, kul, banana, kamaranga etc. Bananas are usually annual fruits. However, it produces excellent quality bananas in winter. Sagar and Malveg bananas are hailed as the best bananas in the country. At present, various excellent varieties of Baukul and Apple Kul are being cultivated all over the country.

Spring Fruits: Spring is the last and greatest season of the cycle. After the sadness of winter and the appeal of the falling leaves, spring brings a colorful and colorful atmosphere to the bosom of nature. At this time the trees bloom, the horizon is full of flowers, the bees come rushing to the smell of the buds, Shana goes to the call of the birds from afar. However, the spring leaves are not as pleasing to the flowers as they are to the flowers. At this time, more or less fruits like watermelon, dab, bungi etc. are seen all over the country.

Annual Fruits: A number of fruits are grown throughout the year in Bangladesh. Papaya, banana, coconut etc. belong to this category. Papaya is popular as a food, diet and delicacy.

Bangladesh is forever rich and blessed with the generous gifts of nature. Due to the varied climatic characteristics of the season, a variety of high quality fruits are produced in this country throughout the year. But it can be noticed that in this agriculturally dependent country, people are not as interested in crop production as they are in crop production. However, if it is possible to increase the production of fruit, it can be exported abroad by meeting the nutritional and food needs of the country. We need to focus on increasing fruit production.

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