Do you think life has turned back on you? You might take it to be true but I bet you it is not.
Do you have a job at hand? This is a question one is supposed to be asking him or herself. It's because idleness can cause something else to humanity. It's a sign of laziness and laziness can make you be rejected by those who are supposed to lend helping hands to you.
When you are always at home without doing something, people around will start calling you a thief. A man who happened to take life for granted rejected all offers that came his way. He sat at a spot begging people to give him food. He is not a thief, but people whose items got missed started suspecting him. Some said he was the one who stole their items, some said they saw him going to their house which he did not.
He was accused of stealing many items and this was as a result the man was sitting dormant without doing anything. So, the result of idleness is what just happened to the man.
Be yourself and never reject any kind of offer that comes your way. You may not be educated but you have the talent to carry out something. There is something in you that can make you greater and reach your peak in life. Just bring that thing out without being shy.
Fear can kill your career and can make you be rendered useless. I know your only complaint is that life has not treated you equally, but do you know that we are born rich? Yes..that's the fact that needed to be told out. We are born equal but from different backgrounds. The rich struggled to become who they are and what they have today.
To every level in life, there is also hardship and everyone is experiencing it one way or the other. When you struggle, you can attain your peak, but when you remain at a spot, you are on your own.
Money is hard to spend but so much easy to spend. Make good use of your talent and don't allow someone to deceive you because we have devil's out there who are ready to make you remain in that very spot.
Do you think you have the capacity to progress in life? Do you think you are ok by yourself? You have the best ability to make it in life but the way you make use of what you have determines. Use what you have judiciously and comfortably without making any form of mistakes.
Do you think you can be better when you deceive your followers? Always tell out the truth and it shall make you the best in life. Life holds a lot for us but we should be the ones to be blamed for not grabbing the greatest opportunity. Opportunity comes but once and never let it out without grabbing your portion. It's good to be good.
Move with friends that can make a meaningful impact on your life. Friends who are not ready to concur with you and are not ready to add something special to your life.
Be yourself and always do what can bring happiness in your life. Don't let joy seize from you but reject being lazy. Trust your instinct and be the better person you once dreamt of.
I think that the situations that happen in life makes you believe that there is a higher power around you not wanting you to succeed but in reality everyone has to go through something only difference is that every challenge is different for everyone