What's your plan for 2022

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2 years ago

December 2020, I read a book by Dan Lok titled F. U. Money and in the book, was an activity which requires the reeder to make a rough estimate of their expenses, what you want to buy, the vacation you will like to go to. In summary, calculate the amount of money that you need to achieve the kind of lifestyle that you want. 

As an obedient reader, I drafted out my own expenses and the total amount will require me to earn a minimum of $200 per day. 🙄🙄🙄

In this kind of economy and without a job, how do I intend to achieve this? 

If I get a job, which kind of business will give me $200 per day for an entry level in Nigeria? 

Nevertheless, at the end of this year, I requested for my bank statement for the whole year and what I realized shocked me. More than 50% of the total amount passed through my account meaning on average, $100 was going through my account everyday. 

Note: I did not have the amount as my net worth but for the fact that such a transaction can be done with my account gives me a green light that I can earn as much as I want as my net worth. 

You are not exempted as well. You can achieve whatever you want in 2022. There are still a few days left in 2021 and I also believe in luck and last minute miracles but let's talk about 2022.

Right now, as you are reading this, I want you to take a note and think of everything that you want to achieve in 2022 if you have the money. The money is not the problem, just think of how you want to spend it. 

Now, sum it up and divide by 365days that is how much you should earn in a day if you want to achieve that amount. 

You are not looking for a job but you are creating a business because only a business can give you daily income.

Ingredients needed to achieve your daily target. 


During planning, your subconscious mind is triggered to bring into reality your imagination as discussed in the book titled, "GOALS: getting everything you want faster than you ever thought" by Brian Tracy. 

Do you have a plan for 2022 or do you still want to live it based on luck and chances? 

During the planning stage, you should include how you want to achieve your goal unless what you drafted is a wish and not a plan. 

Build your income through your business

In his book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", Robert Kiyasoki established the fact that rich people don't grow their income by working for someone but they grow their income by growing their businesses. 

Take a look at the top 10 richest men in the world and their businesses, you will realize that their businesses are worth 10X of their personal net worth. 

If you want to build your income, build your business. 

Be accountable

  • How good are you with finances? 

  • How good are you with numbers? 

Dan Lok said, "for you to become wealthy, you have to become addicted to the law of large numbers". The money is in being accountable and scaling using numbers and percentage. 

Read more books

Whether you like it or not, everything that you need is already written in black and white. 

The author of Millionaire Next Door said, "Life begins after graduation" nevertheless, you can start life even when you are still an undergraduate or at old age if you are ready to read as many books as possible. 

Are you ready to take your business to the next level of income that you anticipated, follow the steps outlined doggedly. 

Till I cross your path again, I am like a ready made pen in the hand of the creator. I am


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2 years ago
