This kind of love

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2 years ago

The whole social media platforms took another turn yesterday as many people take out time to celebrate love being the season of love. Since the beginning of February, almost everything has been about valentine. Businesses also make use of the trend to sell and advertise their businesses to as many people as possible since it's a season of love.

It should be noted that not everyone actually celebrated valentine but what might be the reason or justification from those that did not celebrated it? Maybe it's their belief or maybe they are single or maybe they doesn't see it as a necessity.

Regardless of whether you think celebrating valentine's day is a necessity, a show of love or you consider it mediocrity, have you ever asked yourself, with the way I love and express my love to others, will the world be a better place.

Apart from the show of love, there are people who were patiently waiting for fight between partners or better still, let's say self acclaimed partners. It actually happened and those that happened yesterday will not be the last since they are not the first but all that one aside.

  • To what extent can you give yourself to others?

  • What is the most dearest thing that you can ever give to others?

  • What is the most craziest thing that you can do for others?

  • Are you not among those that proclaim love but find it difficult to assist others when you can?

  • Are you not among those that believe the show of love is all about money?

  • Are you not among those that think love should be based on condition?

We all have different definition of love based on our perception and knowledge of it but majority of us believed in the kind of love that is pure and true.

This is the only kind of love that we need to make the world a better place.

  • It is not enough to say that you love someone, prove it.

  • It is not enough to prove it, be intentional about it.

  • It is not enough to be intentional about it, it must be pure and true.

Love is sweet and one of the catalyst for change but only when it is being used the right way.

Don't just love, love wholeheartedly and without condition. Maybe the world will become a better place for all of us!!!

Till I cross your path again, I am like a ready made pen in the hand of the creator. I am


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2 years ago
