Just turn

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2 years ago

Yesterday was another episode entirely for me as I could not write any article here not publish any one on hive. I was not even active on noisecash. It was just a day without much productive but above all I learnt some great lesson yesterday.

One of them was the message delivered by the General Overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church during the 66th Annual National Convention. I was so happy that I did not miss the sermon even though I could not make it to the camp ground.

This post will not address that but I hope I will be able to share the message with you later.

Another lesson that I learnt yesterday is what I want to share with you now and I am sure you are also going to learn something from it.

How it started?

After the long service yesterday, I was able to push myself home and before I could say Jack, I was ready looking for something to eat. After eating, I already planned my day that I will be using my time on noise cash while I will write a post on readcash later in the night.

After eating comes the big question, what will write about?

Consistent writers will know what this means and how it can be somehow hard to think of a title and a concept before writing it but if all these have been achieved, you can proceed with writing the post.

I was still on this when I decided to use the time on noise cash and maybe before I will be done, I will get a title because that is all I need to kick-start a post.

I started replying my notifications then MTN decided to spoil the show with their network. I blamed myself for not having data on my Glo line, at least I could have switched the line but is the blame really from them?

Yes and No because my line is 3G.

I did not upgrade it to 4G and I did not buy another one. (Getting a sim card is not hard than before).

The battle continues

I keep reloading and reloading the page but nothing was coming up. After several attempts, I decided to turn to the other side. Lo and behold, I was welcomed with another speed of light in the connections.

Then I started asking myself some questions.

  • What if I had turned since?

  • What if I had left angrily and could not do what I want to do?

  • What if there is good network here since I have been trying?

  • Had I known, I would have saved myself and make proper use of my time.

These are what happen to mist of us on a daily basis. In achieving our goals and aims. We tend to do things the same old way and we will be looking for new result.

A turn is enough.

  • If only you can change your approach

  • If only you can change your strategies,

  • If only you can sit down and meditate over the situation,

  • If only you can see the person from another perspective,

  • If only you can change your routine,

  • If only you can have a change in plan,

Just if!!!

At times, what hold us back from achieving our goals is not the feasibility of the goals but the way you want to achieve it.

Many people are so rigid when it comes to goal setting that they will never allow any changes to be made to their goals and how they want to achieve it.

You don't need to change your goal, maybe what you need is to change how you want to achieve it.

Being flexible does not mean changing your principles, it only means changing how your perspective about the principle.

If there is something that you have been doing but seems the desired result is not forthcoming, why not change how to do it rather than changing the goal.

Till I cross your path, I am like a ready made pen in the hand of the creator. I am

$ 0.10
$ 0.03 from @Princessbusayo
$ 0.03 from @HappyBoy
$ 0.02 from @Gaftekloriginal
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2 years ago


We need to try different strategy in achieving our goals. We can't keep using the same strategy always and expect the same result. It isn't done that way. We need to try other techniques.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You can be flexible, try some other method. The goal is to achieve the set objectives, when one way doesn't work, it's better to try another.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kung meron ka mga goal sa buhay gawin mo sa parang kaya mo ,Yong ma enjoy mo siya habang ginagawa mo ,at Di ka nakaka pinsala sa iba.bagkus nakakatulong pa.

$ 0.00
2 years ago