Change the narrative

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2 years ago

With this, I am saying a happy new year to everyone.

This is actual but I have been handling more offline activities than I thought but in all situation, I am grateful to God for making me to see another blessed year and also to even think of writing again.

Nevertheless, I want to use this medium to tender my unreserved apology for going for long time without any short post. Hope my apology is accepted.

During my absence, I visited my uncle and we discussed a lot of thing. What do you expect when the last time we have time to sit down and talk was 2016 and since then, our conversation has been strictly via phone calls.

At first, he was shocked to see me because I have really changed within that period.

During our conversation, he asked about my plan towards getting a job after my service year. I did not plan applying for job but I still need the experience because I am working on a consulting firm with a friend. Since firm is just coming up, we need to finance it by ourselves and also we need to get as much experience as we could so that we will be able to set the firm sailing without any hindrance.

That was just by the way. During my conversation with my uncle, he said

If you are looking for job, make looking for job your job.

I mean this is the most important and salient point which I cannot forget so soon.

He went further and add to it that, many people keep saying they are looking for job but they are not ready to look for it rather they are waiting for the job to locate them.

In Nigeria, nothing comes on a platter of gold, you have to work so hard for you to even get the basic things of life not to talk of getting the secondary things.

How does this relate to you?

Before I answer that, what is that problem that is bothering you?

Some people's problem is money while some is good job.

Some people are looking for peace of mind while some people are looking for love of their life.

You might not even have any problem right now but in case of necessity, you might need to hear this.

Instead of thinking about your problem, make looking for solution to the problem your problem.

It is an easy thing to say but hard to do not even but if you can train your mind to think about getting a solution rather than focusing on the problem, you might realise that the problem is arbitrary and not real.

Nevertheless, in all things, learn to change the narrative.

Till I cross your path again, I am like a ready made pen in the hand of the creator I am


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2 years ago
