Normal day

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Avatar for Abhi.
2 years ago

At the very outset, I would like to introduce myself, as it will put things into perspective. I am from India. I am a student of economics, and currently pursuing my dream of being in government job. So with this knowledge I would take you through my normal day.

I wake up early around 5'o clock. Then I start reading newspapers. In morning I read mint which is a business newspaper. Mint provides me good insight of indian as well as world economy. It takes me around 45 minutes to read mint. After completing mint I read another newspaper which is India express. This paper has social and political component with all recent happening. And finally I read another newspaper called the hindu, which provides me with points criticizing government. After reading all three newspapers I freshen up and have my tea. Tea is an integral part of my life. My grandmother use to give me tea with milk so it become sweet and I drink it. But later it became my habit and now I drink tea twice a day. Now second round of studies need to be undertaken.

My second round of studies start at 8'o clock. Here I read something new. Currently I am studying economic history of india before independence. It is a very interesting topic and I learn how India became poor🥺. I study around 2 hours then I use my phone for sometime. During this time I also check my friends article on and also other happenings on the site. I fetch milk for my house. It is 2 km away from my house , so I walk around 4 km to get milk everyday. I guess this exercise is necessary to digest milk ,and I feel walking is doing meditation. Then I also see people going to different destinations, I feel this as fun part of my boring preparation. After getting milk I use youtube. I like youtube, it has truly democratize knowledge. People from far flung areas can also access knowledge as rich as students from Oxford University. India has deeply benefitted from this information revolution. I have my lunch around 1 pm. Thereafter I take a nap for 1 hour. It really renergise me . I wake up around 3'o clock and again study. This time I write few answers and also make notes of important topics. I drink tea again at 5'o clock, after that I go for a walk. Walking is an integral component of my life. It keeps me charged at the same time release any stress that I may have. During this walking session I also visit temple, which is a soothing experience. Old people that sit there and talk make me more grounded. It keeps my feet on the ground. I also hope everyday that I get to see my crush. She lives nearby and goes to drop her sibling to coaching. I have been seeing her for 3 years and we both desire to see each other. Conversation is difficult as I am unemployed. Till the time I don't get job it will be difficult. But one glimpse of her is more than enough to make my day. After coming from walk I try to Google few things here and there. After which I have my dinner. I usually sleep around 10'o clock. Before sleeping I check health of my stocks and how they are performing.

This is more or less my normal day. It is very dynamic and keeps on changing. But I try my best to ensure that all of my targets are met. This is a very crucial time in my life, as I am at an inflection point. If is succeed I will become a role model and if I fail I will become that disaster which everyone is afraid of. But I have overcome fear of failure and I am willing to take risk and succeed.

$ 0.05
$ 0.03 from @Ling01
$ 0.02 from @Freedom007
Avatar for Abhi.
2 years ago


Studying economic history of a country such as India I'm sure it will be definitely broad and it can't be totally completed in just hours. Nice to meet to you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes it is difficult, but being unemployed is worse. Nice to meet you too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So you love learning, that's great, high-five to you! Also you're so sweet to your crush hopefully she is your soulmate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hey @ling01 he is my friend and believe me when I say he loves her so deeply, he even sometimes ask what to do when he is in some dilemma in this regard. With just a glimpse of her from even a distance of 500 metre his battery get's recharged for the whole day.

He was sad and used to sit on his window staring out on the street because she was gone to her village for a few days haahaha

By the way he will love to read that sentence where you mentioned hopefully she is your soulmate:)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my, thanks for sharing this Trofi haha. It's a surprising actually, I never thought there's still a man like this these days.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If I won't share with you then who else?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are too kind to write that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

where there is risk there is 'ishq' (love)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you took great risk too brother. And your description of mine is quite flattering, I am thinking where you got this skill

$ 0.00
2 years ago

keep on thinking!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago