UEFA Champions league

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Avatar for Abbygod
3 years ago

Today, WE Will have 2 games in te UEFA Champions league:

Réal Madrid vs Liverpool

Manchester city vs Dortmund

Who Will win?

My pronostics are 99% sure, because they are based on facts, so, in thé first game, I thind that réal Madrid has an advantage even though Ramos Will not be also Varane, they can have a little davantage on Liverpool, that loses his form in the past games.

In the second, I think that Manchester City have the advantage, but Haaland is on 5 games without scoring, is this the moment?

WE are Waiting for 2 exciting games today, make your bet in those pronostics and earn money😁

It was Abbygod the crypto manager and the pronostic spécialiste since 3 years

$ 0.00
